how to get rid off the stretching on the model where mesh should be a rectangular shaped with a high ratio,
i made UVs pretty equal but still have stretching effect there
I think that’s because you are using a subsurface modifier, subdividing the mesh more tightly at the bottom of the mesh, where you notice the stretching (or should I call that compression) of the faces. The original mesh is has 2 edge loops bunched closer, causing this.
Is it possible to solve that with still using subsurf modifier
i think your uv mapping doesn’t respect the same ratio? does it : when you use a checker-control mapping, you will notice that the faces on bottom you’re talking about are too big in the uv-s , that’s why your displace map looks more dense down there. If you tried stretching them smaller , they would respect the actual size.
But when I specify texture coordinates by UVs in the displace modifier settings it should follow UV map not an actual mesh size. It that correct?
i think so. but the uvmap itself is not proportional to the modeling, the bottom faces should be maybe a bit smaller in UVs.
Can you share your .blend file here ? So people can have a look to identify the problem better.
Problem solved, I’ve used a vertex group and disregarded a bottom side from it