Is there a way to physicly simulate soft bodies like string and cloth with blender GE. I want to make a tram kind of thing that slides down a string for my Bullet demo contest. Sorry for so many post im a noob but my project is coming pretty well. tahnks for your help.
you could do strings maybe with the hinge constrainsts and stuff(just like for chains), but i don’t know how good stuff would slide down it
i made somehting like that its a dynamic cart that rolls on a rail like that ill post it here in a sec
here ya go it works like this
thers 4 cylinders and cube the 4 cylinders are set as hinges constrained to the cube all 4 cylinders are set to ACTOR DYNAMIC RIDGID BODY NO SLEEPING same as the cube
its spaced far enogh away so nothing go crazy
is that what your looking for?
To answer your question about soft bodies, the Blender Game Engine does not currently have soft body physics, only rigid body physics.