Struggling with geometry nodes ( convert curve to mesh issue )


I’m using the latest version of Blender.
As you can see in the screenshots, I made some garlands / sort of pearl curtain with crystals as the object instance. By using geometry nodes on curves, it gave me the result I had in mind. ( 1st, 2nd & 3rd image )

Then I wanted to animated this like if a slight wind was moving it.
I thought about a rigid body effect but also applying a dispace modifier with a cloud texture.

But in both cases, the curve needs to be converted to a mesh.
And at this point, the render of the geometry nodes gets really messy.
I can’t figure out how to get the same disposition of crystals I had when it was a curve. ( I tried to change a bit some nodes, as you can see in the last image, but the crystals keep accumulating on the top of the rings )

If anyone has an idea on how to fix / manage this ?


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a thought…

  • Build curves as long string of small square planar faces.
  • Add Cloth Modifier for Animation.
  • In GeomNodes: distrib points on faces using “Poisson Disk” mode, so you can control density of pearls.
  • Animate by ForceFields & physics – here I setup a Wind Force Field to rotate back and forth like a household fan… nothing exciting, but it makes things move in the wind.

pearlsOnString.blend (952.4 KB)