Stuck on RVK Face animation, tongues and teeth and things.


I’m pretty new to Blender and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of what to do next with my animation. I’ve included an image below to show you how far i’ve currently got.

I want to animate this face using RVKs but I dont know what to do about the inside of his mouth, teeth and tounge. Should those objects be seperate objects or should they be part of this Mesh? If they’re seperate I dont know how to move them with the RVK and if they’re a part of the same mesh then i’m gonna have a nightmare modelling, texturing and animating them!

Any pointers? I’ve looked at the blend file from the RVK lip synch tutorial but as i’m new to this I dont really know what i’m looking at! Is this one mesh or lots of pieces somehow linked together?

Any help would be greatly apreciated.

I will explain what I would do if I were you. Other may have different aproaches to this. Specially Hos (the guy who did the lipsync tut) who is the real pro in these matters. Hi Hos. :smiley:

Model the teeth as separate meshes and then “join” them to the head. I would forget animating the teeth itselves, it’s not very common that they deform as you speak, right ? :wink:

Model the tongue in the same way, joining it to the head mesh too and add a couple of bones (armature) to animate it. Being a separate mesh it would be easier to create vertex groups for the tongue. You may as well, do the tongue animation BEFORE and just locate the bones in a logical position somewhere in the head.

Then make all the lips deformation RVKs, and just animate in sync the armature for the tongue. Nothing too complex, maybe a little up and down would be enough detail (normally the tongue isn’t sooooo visible).
You can help yourself with two windows one IPO for the RVK and one below with the tongue’s action.

You can do RVK for the tongue as well (this time, it should be a separate mesh) , however I think it is too much work for that.

You can always parent the tongue bones to the main head bone if you already had set up an armature for your character.

Cheers and good luck.


PS: You SHOULD look at the lipsync blend carefully again…

Thanks malefico that has helped me out so much!! :smiley:

Maybe it’s because I model stuff in Amapi or maybe I just really am that dumb! But I didn’t know about “Join”! So I looked it up and tried it out and it’s cool that it doesn’t lose the material or UV texture of the objects when you join them!

The Lip synch tutorial has also been a great help, thanks Hos :slight_smile: I will go back and study it again with my new found wisdom.

Talking Bogey man here I come!!!

Don’t forget that a lot of the stuff in the tute
has been made a 100 times easier with the addition
of the RVK sliders. Also, the sound in the sequence
editor could in theory be used to replace using magpie
for timing the sync. Play around!


RVK sliders? Where?


In the action window!

Some documentation is here:


Yes the sound sync feature was a big bonus in 2.8! I stopped playing with magpie for the moment, but Billy, the possesed child, keeps beckoning to me! :o I tried to delete him from my sytem, but he…oh Lord! nooooo noooo! no I don’t want to play with you! please,…stay back,…(gurgle) Also, Billy told me to tell you that I cannot find the mysterious sliders. Will keep looking though. :expressionless: A message from billy (he is hurting me) ===>