Student Bedroom

So I already finished this before BlenderArtists went down (you might have seen the WIP), but now I can finally show you the finished room.

I started the rendering process on friday, after which I accidentally locked myself out of the house. No one else was home, so I wasn’t able to get back in untill sunday evening. By that moment, it had been rendering for 60 hours. So I decided it was finished lol.

Full resolution (1680x1050)


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heh heh heh, i saw this before it was finished, and i love the finished result :smiley:

so lux im guessing? haha… that is the way to get noise free renders :slight_smile: well done looks great

Lux…?..Try 0.81 GPU acceleration…:wink:

only crit I have is that this picture is so damn small. Come on! you have such detailed and clean meshes, and we can’t see much of that detail, come on! Leave your pc to render this for a week if you must, go outside, exercise, play sports, tease girls, whatever. Then come back, add a signature somewhere and repost.

It looks great! I just started working with luxrender, although I’d have to lock myself out of my house on purpose to actually be away from my computer for 60 hours to get such a noise free render.

if there were no noise, then this will be perfect!

I have added the full resolution render to the first post. Now you should be able to see some more of the detail.

I’m working on a student’s bedroom too (for an animation).
I picked up a few nice tips.


I like it. But there is A LOT of noise over on the right…you should probably try to fix that…

is it not indigo you said you would render this in?
btw - loving the detail :smiley:

wow… nice render :stuck_out_tongue:

One of the beautifulest pictures I have ever seen ! I like absolutely everything : lights, colors, models, textures, atmosphere… And in my opinion the noise gives the scene a plus in realism, as a real photo, taken with one of those old argentic cameras.

Nice job, now I want the same room in my house ! :smiley:

Yes ! Lighting is great ! Everything is ok except the toilet is as strange place… lol

Whooah! Hitmonlee! And a nice render!

looks really clean for a student bedroom :stuck_out_tongue:

but yeah, this looks really good - nice work!

It looks great! My only crit is that the plugs that are connected to the power strip look a bit strange, but that’s just a minor thing. I also noticed that the mouse is on the left side of the laptop. Are you left handed, too? :wink:

looks nice!
although blender internal or yafaray cud have given u the same results in less time.
anyways nice piece of artwork.

Very nice scene and render! The noise doesn’t bother me too much, I’ve seen much worse :wink: The only thing I would change is the Yankees cap. Make it into a Red Sox, will ya? :smiley:

It might look nice with a few more school books and homework and stuff lying around…