Student Room

Hi everyone !
Here’s my first serious project, based on the closest piece of architecture : my room :stuck_out_tongue:

My main problem at the moment (there are others of courses) is the bed. I cannot find good tips/videos/tutorials on blender about “how to make a proper sheet”, realistic clothes etc… I’ll take any help you can give me on that subject.

I’m dreaming of stuff like that, or that, and those

Anyway, thanks in advance for any feedback that you might give me,
cheers :slight_smile:

interesting title for a room…whats the “STD” stand for?

looking good so far. Unfortunately I cant give you any tips for the sheet.
I’d use sculpting, what yout did as well I think.

But to be honest, the sheet doesnt look too bad.

I think your sheet looks fine, but I am a hater of the “Rumpled sheet draped over the bed at a weird angle” look. It’s so played out and just screams “I wanna look like an interior architecture render, just like all the other ones!”

Didn’t their mothers ever tell them to make their beds? sheesh!

I get that Interior architecture can be really inorganic and blank, and the dynamics of wrinkled cloth help to breathe some life into it, but when it is obvious that the blankets are rumpled, just to look rumpled, it feels very fake.

The worst part is, this isn’t exclusive to interior architecture renders. They picked up the bad habit from interior architecture photographers.

I say, break the mold! Make your bed!

It was suppose to be the short for “student”, but now I realize that it can mean something else :'D
Too bad, but it made me laugh to realize that so I’mma keep this title.

Thanks for your answers, I take note that the bed doesn’t look too bad, and I’ll see in the future what I’mma do with it :slight_smile:
Cheers !

Nice work!
Did you use only hdri light and sun lamp?
Very good modeling.
How many samples did you set for rendering?

Hi everyone !

I’m very sorry for the (very) late response, I’ve used both an HDRi and a sun lamp. The renders got 5000 samples (to much noise bellow that)…

So, I’ve done some work on the textures, it’s far from perfect but I’m gonna stop here for this project, I’ve seen it too much and starting a new one should help me improve much more.
So yeah, final render :

Thank you all for the replies, it means a lot !
Cheers :slight_smile:

bruh the necro and it’s a copy of an already said post oof