Stupid Computer Tricks

Oh, boy! This is so great!!!


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

LOL that is so funny! thanks for sharing!

don’t miss the roach one at the end…



ha ha ha


Oh my gosh! that’s hilarious! “That card must be expired. Lets see if it accepts THIS one!”

Too funny!
Now I think I’ll check my e-mail
How do you change the channel on this thing? :smiley:

oh, too funny! the friggen roach EXPLODED in his system… notice all those shortcuts to aol…

i liked the one with the 3 shortcuts to my computer because for some reason they had a link to aol as well :stuck_out_tongue:

did that sound card work ???

ive fried a prosseser in my time %|
i felt pretty dum.

ive seen the inside of a floopy drive inside a cd try before :o
and after i fixed my friends hard drive (he compressed a partitioned hard drive (or thats how it looked)) did a complete wipe and reinstall managed even to save some of there work through dos. and then they blamed me for there cd drive not working !!!

The autoexec.bat one is still my favorite.


see, i dont think you could be smart enough to write those simple commands, and still be stupid enough to write them. a paradox, kinda.

i would assume it was a nasty trick.

I like the error one… Sad thing is, that happened to me… Wasn’t really a bunch of errors, just a joke program my friend made… And the one with the full desktop… Sad thing is, that happened to me… Not really, but my sister did it… And the AOL one… With the guy that really, really, really likes AOL… and i’m dun now…

Sad thing is, that happened to me… Nah, just kidding, I’ve never touched AOL…

good thing too… cause aol sucks… now why won’t my disk work?

My sister tried sticking a 5 1/2" floppy into the DVD-rom drive once… Just thinking of the intelligence that flows through my house is aneurism inducing…