Stylised materials, shaders and rendering looks?

Can anyone give me any direction or resources for me to learn how to make stylised materials, shaders or renders?

I want to achieve a more graphic look, something like that achieved by toon shaders, examples here on the Blender NPR page.

Is this what the Pixel Math book is about? Is there a good resource to learn how to do this with node setups?

I would also like to explore this in Unity … probably through shaders as I understand. Probably a lot to learn but maybe some answers here will confirm what I understand and what I need to learn.


I understand that some of what I’m asking could be the unique look of the work that earns someone money, so I definitely don’t need anyone’s secret sauce.

I would love some starting points.

I guess one of the first things I will explore are shadeless materials.

Can you have shadows on shadeless materials - or is that why they’re called shadeless?

And if I did want a shadeless look but with shadows, am I looking at exploring a toon shader?

This is one of my answers on BSE:

Take a look how to make “toon” shader in EEVEE using Shader to RGB node. This is the secret ingredient.

I don’t have any idea how to export such materials to Unity.

Hey thanks @cgslav, those links are great.

The Shader to RGB has come up a few times in my searches.

Apparently the Mix node is also very powerful, versatile, and the subject of the Pixel Math book.

I think I’ll start with your link, then toon shading and more from the BNPR YouTube channel.

Thanks again @cgslav