Stylish render

Reminds me of the openning movie in Final Fantasy VIII and ofcourse of American Beauty. It’s not done cause I’m still adding an enviroment. Comment, suggestions, flames, money?


some credit to Sutabi for some inspiration.

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Looks really nice Wewa!!! :wink:

Only thing that strikes me as kind of off, is the left to right movement, the timeing seems to uniform.

Other than that great job!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

nice, but i would make it far slower. :smiley:

cya henrik

Only thing that strikes me as kind of off, is the left to right movement, the timeing seems to uniform.

Yeah I see what you mean, the root of the problem is simple. Solving it simple. ReRendering it, 3hours… I’ll think about it :smiley:


movement is much to uniform

and all of the peddals look exactly the same…