Stylized chess set

I meant that they look all scratchy like in old western movies. it’s not clear, it looks kinda like there’s a fog on the screen.

I meant that the screen looks all scrathchy and not clear, kinda like there’s a fog over the screen. it’s kinda hard to explain.

Beautiful. Only problem could be the wood and possibly the space between the squares. :smiley:

That’s just a result of my using a HDRI sky texture combined with relatively low AO samples. It wasn’t intentional, but hey, if that’s the effect you want go for it.

I have to say I am loving that sexy black material and that marble. It looks sleek and professional. The wood however seems to let it down quite a bit, it needs a more red contrasting colour for the texture to go with the marble. And turn down the transparency on the white pieces.

hey… neat work…
is that marble table a bitmap texture or procedural??

keep it!

Procedural, compliments of the materials section at As for the wood, I’m pretty happy with it except I think the cloud layer is a little too obvious… Anyway, I wasn’t going to spend forever tweaking it. I may try to fix it later though.

Only one crit: the wood material could be better…