Stylized Pig Farmer 3D Model | Blender 3.0 | Zbrush | Topogun | Adobe Photoshop

Stylized Pig Farmer 3D Model | Blender 3.0 | Zbrush | Topogun | Adobe Photoshop

This is a model I created for 3D printing. Taking some time out to just experiment and be creative, I am normally drawn to stylized character work since most of my day job is based around architecture and realism.

Like all my art, I try and create scenes or models with a fair amount of meaning behind them.

Thanks for looking everyone!
Comments and constructive feedback are welcome

Link to Youtube 3D Tudor Channel:

To see more pictures:


this one could be an actor of an ‘Animal’s farm’ short inspired by G.Orwell^^

Thanks and happy blending ! :smiley:

EDIT: i just wonder why this piece of great art were not featured :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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