subdiv tool / script

ok wings3d has the tools to go but i would like to stay inside blender.

when i would like to insert a point on a line i first have the remove the line draw the line again subdive the line and than reconect the lines to build faces.

is it possible to write a script that just delets the edge between to given selected points conects those points agian and subdiv the edge for me by itself?

to assign a key would be awesome.

is it somehow possible to write that python script? and is it somehow possible to assing a key to execute a script?

any help? sorry i am not a programmer!

The Rusty Knife script will subdivide two or more faces. I know it’s not what you want but it’s the closest you’ll get. The reason it’s so difficult is because Blender doesn’t like ngons, faces with more than 4 verts. A single ngon makes the mesh a non-manifold mesh = all kinds of problems for UV mapping, animation, decimation etc…


ok i will try rusty knife

Hey I can never get that script to work. I guess that it is the Copy paste transfer to blender.

Could you post a blend file with it in it please . It might be that it just does not work on OSX as will be the same issue for Cek.

BUt Cek the sad fact is that wings is just a better modeler than blender.

Cek did you get Wings Auto Uv unwrap understood ? I sure as hell can not make it behave just make a mess of uv meshes.

:-? ^o^ woooo spinning

in edit mode

1/ select two points of the edge
2/ wkey for special menu,
3/ select subdivise

If a face is connected to this edge,
this face is subdivide too.

in edit mode

1/ select two points of the edge
2/ wkey for special menu,
3/ select subdivise

If a face is connected to this edge,
this face is subdivide too.[/quote]

Yes but wings creates quad , while blender creates tri’s So blender is very messy to clean up after.


i hate that blender creates tri`s. this is realy a paint to work with.

just a option when you hit W to subdiv an edge without creating tri`s or at least making the faces left and right to the edge empty.

select the new faces and do a jkey just after.

mh just forgot about that. but it works not always the way i wish!