ok wings3d has the tools to go but i would like to stay inside blender.
when i would like to insert a point on a line i first have the remove the line draw the line again subdive the line and than reconect the lines to build faces.
is it possible to write a script that just delets the edge between to given selected points conects those points agian and subdiv the edge for me by itself?
to assign a key would be awesome.
is it somehow possible to write that python script? and is it somehow possible to assing a key to execute a script?
The Rusty Knife script will subdivide two or more faces. I know it’s not what you want but it’s the closest you’ll get. The reason it’s so difficult is because Blender doesn’t like ngons, faces with more than 4 verts. A single ngon makes the mesh a non-manifold mesh = all kinds of problems for UV mapping, animation, decimation etc…