Subdivision modifier issue with straight lines


Total newbie here. I’m doing OK with my first attempt at a 3D model of a racing car, but the sub modifier keeps tripping me up.

Over the shape of the whole car it is a huge help, and for things like wheel arches invaluable.

But when it comes to detail work the natural curviness of this modifier gets in the way of what I want to do. I could use creases, but it feels like I will just end up with 100s of those many of which will just make more problems where they met the sub modifier.

Here is an example. The edges I have crudely colored red and blue curve to some degree when they need to be arrow-straight, with the only curve being the small yellow one.

Image to follow

Is there a way to G or GG the vertices involves to get what I need, without creases or masks (which I have only heard about and have no idea how to do)?


I’m not entirely sure if there is a way but perhaps using remesh modifier or remesh in sculpt mode could do the trick. Failing that, you may have to manually go in and create the desired vertices yourself.


Sounds scary, but I will look into it. Thank God for undo and exiting without saving ha ha

A fellow modeller who is helping me insists I can get there just using Scale Z zero (Z is my ‘up and down’ in this view) and GG, but I can’t do it. If his advice is bad, best to know now.

I couldn’t tell you as I’m new to this myself. I use box modelling a lot. I personally would create the vertices myself in edit mode using knife tool to create a diagonal line then subdividing the edge I just created and moving the vertices to create the bend. Don’t forget to add mirror modifier on the appropriate axis and enable mirror mode in the upper part of the viewport.

There’s quite a few ways to do this, most of which are listed in the answers here:

Maybe just go for the cutout approach (just cutout and add the unseen geometry and tweak the seams… additional modeling maybe needed) something like this can help:

And the blend-file:
car.blend (111.3 KB)

Sorry, I am way too much of a newbie to understand cutout, unseen, seams, etc.

Those purple lines look like creases set to 1 to me, which I do know how to do.

Ups sorry i meant creased edges… The spotlights are disconnected of the full model…
I just did select the faces which seem to build up the spotlight, split them (Y) and added some polygons (mostly selecting a vertex and hitting F using the F2-addon) and worked my way through…