Well, starting from the cube on the left, the object on the right can be created with the subsurf button. But is it possible to create the object in the middle, with mixed quadrangular and triangular faces starting from the same cube ?[/img]

Of course it is possible, but if you are asking: does blender have a ‘bevel edge’ function, the answer is no, it does not. If you are honestly asking how to create that shape from a cube in blender:
1-extrude all 6 faces along normals
2-delete original faces
3-face vacant regions

The subsurf algorithm will only create triangles if the original mesh had triangles. Otherwise, it will stick to quads (quads are easier to subdivide).


Does another opensource software have a ‘bevel edge’ function ?(like wings3d ?)

really? i’ve never seen triangles being made even if the mesh was ONLY triangles. it always creates quads anyway - sometimes they look strange, but they’re still quads.

Neo writes:

Does another opensource software have a ‘bevel edge’ function ?(like wings3d ?)

Is that a rhetorical question? BTW what software did you use to make your example? :stuck_out_tongue: Wings3D perhaps? Well that’s odd,…(scratches chin)…your example seems to have disappeared. <shrug> A curiosity to be sure.

Does another opensource software have a ‘bevel edge’ function ?(like wings3d ?)

yes, wings does have bevelling.

edit: get it at

Blendermax, the example he posted appeared to be a Wings object. I think he is trying to yank our chain. :wink:


just out of curiosity: is bevelling that difficult to code?

Nope, SubSurf always create Quads


It’s not a rhetorical question :smiley: I didn’t make this example, I found it in a book (I don’t know what soft was used to do it) and I was wondering if blender was able to do that, but obviously it’s not possible. And I mentioned wings 3d because it’s the only free 3d software I know :wink:
So wings 3d does that ? Can someone explain how, or where I can find the doc ? ( cause wings3d don’t appears very clear to me :expressionless: …but thats why I use blender !)

Ok I’ll take your word for it. Just go here, and download wings. I think the instructions come with it. I prefer to model in Blender, but to each his own. %| BTW, which book?

You can do that in Blender by extruding a plane, using ‘Rusty Knife’ on a cube or using S68’s ‘Knife’ on a cube. Then save it in a .blend called ‘Primative’ and stick all your other funky primatives in there to be appended when needed.
If you need more than a primative Scorpius’ Geodesic Dome script will also get you there.

Get the wings manual here:


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Sorry, my bad about the tris thing. It does however knots (for lack of a proper word) in the subdivision.


Heheh,…I thought it did tris too,…I subsurfed a number of different objects, and examined them all for tris,…but not a one.