If we have any fire fox users out there, i just wanted to point out a Nifty little utility.
It is called “Download them all” and it is a really handy tool!
When I am downloading (LEGAL) reference photos, sounds, and creative commons music i keep running across web pages that are full of links to download files I need.
In the old days, I would download them one by one, wasting massive amounts of time clicking on every file, then confirming the download.
Well those days are now over… I got the fire fox plug in called Download them all.
Now i just make one click…
Go make a quick snack and refresh my beverage…
Then come back to all the files i wanted to review , all sitting nicely on my local hard drive!
You can get it here:
Great for getting Sounds, Materials, music!! (please only get the ones you want)
A great texture site:
Here is a great site , it is full of useful blender materials form NAN:
here is a neat sound effect site to try it on :
well that is it! Enjoy…
I really love this utility