Suck a website dry in one click. no more wait.


If we have any fire fox users out there, i just wanted to point out a Nifty little utility.

It is called “Download them all” and it is a really handy tool!

When I am downloading (LEGAL) reference photos, sounds, and creative commons music i keep running across web pages that are full of links to download files I need.
In the old days, I would download them one by one, wasting massive amounts of time clicking on every file, then confirming the download.

Well those days are now over… I got the fire fox plug in called Download them all.
Now i just make one click…
Go make a quick snack and refresh my beverage…
Then come back to all the files i wanted to review , all sitting nicely on my local hard drive!

You can get it here:

Great for getting Sounds, Materials, music!! (please only get the ones you want)
A great texture site:
Here is a great site , it is full of useful blender materials form NAN:
here is a neat sound effect site to try it on :

well that is it! Enjoy…
I really love this utility :slight_smile:

Been using it for a while now, good extension indeed.


Just installed it,
I have free Download Manager but that one download straight from the URL givin problems when downloading files on site where you need te log in and have fancy protection. Whereas this on just works without anny problems.

So good utillity!

I have free Download Manager but that one download straight from the URL givin problems when downloading files on site where you need te log in and have fancy protection. Whereas this on just works without anny problems.

Yes indeed!
When I am in linux, i use a utility called “wget” to leech a FTP or download from a http site…
Wget will get totaly screwed up from certain Java scripts…
Where Download Them ALL just skips all that, and gives you a quick prompt on weather you want to ignore the script or not.


have a nice day everyone

This is one of the fastest ways that you can be permanently banned from websites. While you’re sucking down all the files from a website, you’re also bottlenecking the server for everyone else. Something to think about.

This is one of the fastest ways that you can be permanently banned from websites. While you’re sucking down all the files from a website, you’re also bottlenecking the server for everyone else. Something to think about.

this is verry true…

I have only seen this from sites that dont welcome public downloads… or If i was Piggish and set the max. downloads over 2 or 3.
(I leave mine at one, and take my turn with other people)

one other note… DLTA has so you can selectively choose what to get with easy radio buttons…
I try not to download stuff that I dont need… It clutters my hard disk, and is really wasteful of bandwidth.
I dont think that the readers here are a bunch of mindless zombies, I have a feeling that they only download the things that they want to.

thanks for your nice comment

Even this website has talked about banning people for doing this. I remember the discussion a while back when people were first starting to get into Firefox extensions. But of course, these technologies have a legitimate use. I just hope everyone understands the load that gets put on servers when they start asking the server to open up sometimes hundred of sockets to make the transfers.

Negative aspects aside, would it let me download an entire thread?:confused:

that plugin isnt that great, as it a lot of times failes to open folders and download their content, especialy if you have a lot of files goin at ones

just for the record, that plugin is a year or more old

Encouraging people to “suck a website dry” and then posting a link to Good thing I’ve got 100GB a month bandwith…

Looks like a neat extension, but for now I’m trying to figure out how to get firefox to download anything. Just upgraded from 1.0.7 to 2.0.1 and a lot of stuff isn’t working anymore. Everytime I try to download, the OK button is greyed out. Weird.

On I side note, I’m also getting a LOT of download problems.

However, on the grey button thing, I think you just have to wait a few seconds…it must be some sort of security feature.

That’s a good idea; should I make a thread on Firefox issues?:confused:

Everytime I try to download, the OK button is greyed out.

Have you tried clicking it anyway, by chance? On my mac the ok button in firefox is sometimes greyed out in this case, but if I put my mouse over it or click it it goes color and I can use it.

That’s what I do; I just click it continually 'cause I’m impatient, but I think you just have to wait for it…

Yea, just mouse over, and click twice.

it is an annoying safety feature, simular to the GTK applications in linux (Actually I think fire fox uses some of the GTK still). You might be able to Disable this.

As for abuse of software, and web sites.I only mention downloading stuff you want from free public servers.
Sucking and Leaching are just old school phrases I am using for “Getting every thing you need, without any upload ratio.”. (IE… from a public server, or public BBS)

I don’t see what is wrong with downloading things from a public server with an automated application like this.

If they did not want this in the first place, they should put thing under a password. Or go and set up a simple bandwidth limiter script.

I mean REALLY! in opera, firefox,Internet explorer,konqueror ETC , will allow people to click on a bunch of files for a download query, one after another in rapid succession.

the only difference with this application is that you don’t have to press the OK button every time. So please quit with all the Pseudo-Tech drama! It is just a bunch of *$&%^#it. the people are going to suck up the same ammount of bandwidth anyways!

Plus DLTA it limits it down to 3 or 4 simultaneous downloads by default . some of the above applications will download as many things as the user clicked on simultaneously.

IMHO it just makes thing less redundant on the visitor.
when things are easy on me, I am much more apt to click on some banner ads to support the sites that have nice things for me to download.
(hint hint hint, free traffic, free traffic, hint, hint)

Wow, please stop posting.

Automatic download utilities are evil. There is no such thing as “free traffic”. you are downloading hundreds of pages that may contain ads, you don’t visit these pages you don’t click the ads, you are only “using up” bandwidth…
