I am very seriously considering switching to Linux. I have actually used Mandrake 7 a while ago and loved it, but I could never get wine to work so I could still use my doze apps for work and my machine also has a win modem so Linux does not recognize it, at the time anyway.
Can anyone suggest some good, linux newbie books that will get me going and up to speed? I know very little about it and from what I have heard, and also been told, you should read up on it before you go gangbusters with it.
well… there is always city library, so you dont need to ponder too much on what type of linux book you put your money into… I actually never bought linux books… and, if you dont mind reading on the screen, manuals of specific distributions, are often included in the installation cd’s…
but as I said, visit the library, and get one or two basic linux books, (not distribution-related) and browse through…
Well, actually I’ve never bought a linux book, mainly cause I had SuSE Pro, and it comes with a ton of manualls…
But I bought once a book about Unix in general (if you are serious about Linux you definetely need to be familiar with Unix comands…) and became my favorite since:
“Unix Visual Quickstart Guide” by Deboraf S. Ray & Eric J. Ray!!!
It’s really good and easy to read…
Also if you can get a copy of :
“Linux Programming a beginner’s guide” by Richard Petersen
it could be a great help to you… Even though you don’t intend to become a programmer, the first chapters are devoted to Bash and Tcsh Shell programming… And Shell programming is a great tool in some cases…
Richard Petersen is also the author of:
“Linux: The complete reference” which is a great book to (Idon’t have it but I had a look once…)