To Every Member of This Site, and All Other Sites Associated With Blender,
Well, here are some tips or suggestions I have come up with. I always try to make what I use better for everyone before I stop using it, if I stop using it at all. Blender is a VERY good program, but I’d like to see it go farther. All of these suggestions will take work, or would if anyone cares to work on them. I personally do not have the skill or knowledge to take on such a task, first of all b/c I know next to nothing about python scripting; it’s worse than Greek to me…I simply don’t understand it and the tutorials on it are WAY too vague to get me anywhere with them. I understand bits and pieces of it, but not enough to amount for anything. My biggest problem with the tutorial is that it doesn’t give you every possible solution. Like many of you, I like to have all my materials in front of me before I begin a job, especially if it’s a complicated or drawn out one. At least a list of all the python functions for Blender would be nice. All I’m left with are the very few basic instructions, that are rather vague anyways, on how to make scripting and to edit scripting.
Anyways, here are my ideas for Blender if any cares to help or do some work on them…it may be a VERY long time before anything of this magnitude gets up and running, if anyone helps.
Create a script program entitled “Make Clothing”, which will create clothing of all kinds from hats, sunglasses/glasses, rings, ear rings, underwear, swim suites, shirts, pants, shorts, uniforms, shoes, socks, jackets, etc.; but also giving the added feature of either automatically sizing it up to your human-or animal if you prefer…that…anyways-(Off-shoot of the “Make Human” Scripting Program) in every proportion, but also giving you the ability to resize or size separately from your human. Every article of clothing also comes with embedded properties in Blender that can make a shirt loose, or a hat stiff, or a load of cloths wet, or a shirt or something sticky, w/e floats your boat, you choose.
Create a script for importing any object-mesh, bones, properties, etc.-into your current editing menu. This one shouldn’t really be too hard to make considering I do have at least one script that allows you to export a mesh or import a mesh at any given time to your current menu and out of it from .OBJ files. This program, however, has no limit on what it can export or import, which will make it have to import several different file types (and export), so that may take a little work, but i think it’d be best, instead of being stuck in the main menu only being able to Add -> Mesh -> And then click on whatever you want…of course only from a VERY small list of Meshes. I think it’d be best if we just had one script that allowed us to “Add”, if you will, anything into our main editing menu we wanted to, instead of being limited to meshes.
Create a script program that shrinks the memory size of objects while in Blender, but returns them to normal size outside of Blender…or stay the same shrunk size outside of Blender too? I don’t know how this one will work. It will obviously require a whole new “filetype” to be created in which Blender saves in-either the current type, or a more compressed/smaller type-. I do know that doing this would have to be an embedded feature in the exporting and importing scripts of the program, so it may take a while to get this one done, unless someone here knows how to do it.
Create a “Make Creature” scripting program, which will create any creature you wish from Mammal, Amphibian, Reptile, to Bear, Frog, or Alligator. It is set in categories and in fact individual scripts put into one large one. -Mammal, Amphibian, and Reptile are all separate categories, but to go further, each species has its very own program under the main category of its type. This one will most definitely take some time, work, and effort seeing as there are literally thousands of species out there (to say the least, if this project EVER gets started…we’ll probably stick to only a few for now, then make more as we progress).
Create a “Make Object” scripting program to make all objects thinkable to man, which will work in the same methodology as the “Make Creature” program.
Create an Action Scripting Program, which will work with all of the above programs (especially “Make Creature” and “Make Object”) where a function of armature motions and mesh animations allow a specific action to take place-EX: Punch, Slap, Kick, Throw, Grab, Smile, Frown, Run, Walk, Run Into, Drive, Bounce, Fly, Explode, Roll Over, etc. Obviously this one will have to work with preset armatures, which means that it will have to already know what the armatures are for each program, which brings me to my next step. The “Make Object” or “Make Creature” programs will be simply to make the Mesh, but the “Make Action” will have an added bonus of adding the armatures to your mesh and then, if you want (you can just leave it at that if you like), give it a specific action that can be applied to that creature, or that creature’s interference with another creature, or that creature with an object, or that object with a creature, w/e floats your boat.
Create a “Make Real” scripting program that works with any 2d image to make the coloring, texturing, lighting, etc. look as real as possible in the 3d image…it would be noted that this most like works best with regular photographs uploaded into your computer, unless of course you a heck of an artist. I myself am a 2d Graphic Designer and was introduced to 3d Graphics when working in high school with video production, very fun, very expensive (not if you have BLENDER, yes, Blender ROCKS!!!), and very time consuming (don’t think that’s gonna change…the ideas I’ve suggested here may have a change in that a bit if we ever get them started, but most likely not that much).
Those are all the ideas I have at the moment, but I’m sure some more will come up. I probably won’t have the time to work on them, as I’m entering the US Navy in only a few months and will have lots of work of my own to do. So guys, I’ve set the ideas out, can’t really work on them myself (though I would most definitely LOVE to, no, really guys, I would.), so it’s up to you guys. Just put it this way, if you’re willing to do the work it takes, Blender can become the best graphic program on the market…except it FREE!!!..What other graphic program has these things I suggested? NONE, at least none that I’ve seen, maybe one or two of them, but I can almost guarantee you that if all of these are created with perficiency, Blender will be most definitely that top choice in all video editing, game editing, and just plain old 3D graphic design. Either way, Blender is still awesome to me. We work with another 3D graphic program in my class, or shall I say worked (I graduated, sweet!). It was called “LightWave”, one of the best on the market…that’s it, ON THE MARKET. That thing is expensive as crap! The only way we could get it was because it happened to come along with the VT-Edit program we got, which couldn’t be high-jacked from the computer b/c it was embedded in the hardware, in other words…it WAS the hardware. It could be done, but it’d take alot of work just to get that program, which, to me, has not even a close shot against Blender. Blender is an awesome program once you learn to use it. My problem is that I don’t have Internet at home and when I have a problem, there’s really no one to ask. So, if any of you techies out there have like a hotline number or something I can use, it would be SOOOOO helpful to me. I’ve got some questions to ask that are really bugging me a lot. I’ll go ahead and name a few of them here while I’m at it. I would greatly suggest that if you wish to help me in any way, please don’t post it on here, give me a call, b/c i most likely WON’T be able to get your message, and if I somehow DO get it, it’ll be nearly a month or so before I do…and I really don’t feel like waiting that long. If you have Verizon Wireless, I can talk to you for free any time, but if you call me after 9:00 PM (that’s Georgia time in the US, don’t know what time zone it is, sry) i can talk to anyone, anywhere, for free.