Suicidal Adventure Land - update 26/06, Escher-type house p4

This is something I’ve been working on for the last week. Ideas for a title are much needed, I’ll start a poll if people come up with enough ideas. And crits on the images too, but that goes without saying.

Caution, images up to 600kb in size (BIG renders!) :
Whole thing :
Upper walkways :
The playground :
Desk in the playground :
Close up of a desk on the columns (this is what the project started with) :
Close up showing the sign in the playground (awful render, it’s just so you can read the text) :

Ah, come on, I know it’s not THAT bad ! :-?

For some weird reason it reminds me of the style of Myst. IT is just a completely nonsensical structure that fits the Myst-esque fantasy theme. Other than that, it is a really impressive render and I congratulate you on it.

Thanks, Gomba ! Actually I never played Myst, so any resemblence is entirely coincidental :slight_smile:
Update : Volumetric clouds test. I made the clouds cast and recieve shadows affected by the transparency for realism. They take a very long time to render so improvements to these will have to wait until the rest is finished.

Too big…

It looks nice, a bit hard to interpret what it is.

What’s wrong with big ?
I don’t know what it is either.
Crits on the modelling/texturing/lighting etc. would be nice.

What is wrong with big is that I can’t see it all at once and it is in fact so big that I can only see around 1/4 of it at once… if it were a straight link to the picture it would resize in my browser window, but otherwise I have to save them to my HD and resize manually. Kind of a hassle. Better than Geocities links, but still…

Hmmm… personally I hate my browser resizing large images. And I don’t think these images are so big you can’t see what the thing is. And you definately can’t compare with geocities with SFS, that’s crazy. But if you insist, I’ll upload a smaller image. (not all the images are huge though)

Updated desk in the playground, with volumetric self-shaded clouds, a lava lamp and for some reason a small stormcloud :

What will it take to get some crits on this ? Must I resort to bribery ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Those are some great compositions, and I like the fact that someone’s creating more poetic artwork in the 3d graphics scene. The irridesence (spelling?) effect on the ceiling in the “whole thing” image is amazing, how did you do it? I think that effect would look great for bubbles and oil covers.
…the red slide looks fun. :slight_smile:

all i have to say is wow. all it needs is something too totally throw the scale off

Brian : Thanks ! The soap bubble thing is just the under-used magic texture. I didn’t think it could be used for bumpmaps, but apparently it can… which is nice. There’s refraction on it too.
skeletor : Thinking about that. We’ll see. :slight_smile:

Update : the playground gets a little extension… a deadly climbing frame…

Next, a bizzare chariot race.

And if it wasn’t already, this moves into the patently absurd…

How to describe this update ? Well, it’s Darth Vader on a celtic chariot pulled by a stegosaurus about to start a race (on a course with nerve-racking 90 degree turns) with a hut on hen’s legs and a legless alien (who works in McDonalds) on a unicycle. Ho hum.

Enjoy !

Great texturing job, is this all done with blender textures or you use image as well ? Just one suggestion on your first image, the pole that connects to the sphear on top of the roof is too small, don’t look like will hold it’s weight, make it thicker. Other then that it’s perfect, at first it look like an oil rig or something from the game planeshift.

This is starting to look like Modron’s Attic… :smiley:

Al Capone : thanks, this is mostly image textures from the wonderful The only procedurals (currently) are the stone things and some colour variation on the stegosaurus.

Fonix Wircs : Maybe it’s time for a new sig… my attic is sillier than your attic ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Update : modelled a section of street in front of the racing. Tried a night time render too but I’m not very happy with it so will probably bin it:

I gave Al Capone a wrong answer. There are also procedurals for the water, the marble caps of the colums, the soap bubble thing, the volumetric clouds, and t-terrain / stucci bumpmaps on many surfaces.

really looking nice, i dont really like the night render either

Nice work. Hmm, it’s turing out to have a video game feel. It would be great if this could be made into some kind of game, but that’s probably not what you’re aiming towards right?

Huge structures all inhabitabed by those small little creatures.

Jason Lin

If I ever want to commit suicide. I will do it in your suicide city.

Nice renders. Looks really convincing to me. It gives a real sense of height. I’m not affraid of heights but looking at your pictures almost makes my stomach hurts.

I wish I could build such a breath taking scenes.