Summer Tree

It’s been a long while since I’ve made something in blender… well something other than tutorials and tests… so here I am once more!

What do you guys think, how can it be improved? Composition ok?

The grass has been irritating me today, so I know it sucks… and theres some strange artifact in the middle at the bottom… any idea?


As far as composition the tree needs to come into the scene more, within the first third of the image. The grass looks a little long to me, so i would recommend shortening it. Almost has a fur quality to it.

I kind of see the artifact but don’t know what it’s from. It’s barely noticeable. The sky needs to have some color gradation to it and needs some clouds.

To me, the artifact looks like the seams of a texture. apart from that, i don’t know.
It looks a bit empty, maybe that’s just the clear sky. Add some clouds :slight_smile:


I would suggest adding a few brown/orange colors to the scene and brining the tree closer, it would also look better with a tire swing off a branch…

Just my 2cents.

Give some thought as to how you want the sunlight to appear to interact with the leaves (and the trunk) of that tree. If you want the tree to become the object of attention, it ought to be just a little bit brighter, maybe just a little bit more colorful, maybe just a little bit more interesting, than the foreground grass. But in any case, its visual appearance needs to be consistent with that grass.

I offer these critiques as “a thought question.” The scene is fine as far as it goes … now, where do you want it to go from here?

On the artifact, something to check is the mesh object that you are using for the grass particles. If it has segments and you have made it bumpy, try smoothing it out with more segments and smooth vertexes or try using Subdivision Surfaces.

Thanks, i think the artifact is under control now… the object emitting the hairs is not visible, the same object, duplicated but without the grass is used to make the ground bellow the grass… and the two meshes on top of each other are causing artifacts…

However I’m gonna be very busy the next few days and may not have time for this project. It was mostly to relieve some stress built up by making tutorials 24/7 (literally)

there’s also a pretty big artifact in the sky, which i have accented here :
what does your render look like without composite effects?

really? i dont see it… could be due to compression, or it could be your screen

i see it. no idea what it is though.
a critique i would have is that the colours dont complement eachother, they seem to fight over the scene.
i like that grass colour in the artifact, its a bit greener there.

i urge you to work with png gregzaal, jpg is quite hopeless.

I would suggest a rule of thirds/“L” composition (linky)
The glow is overdone, which makes the grass look like it’s glowing.
The grass, also, looks like it’s being blown flat by 50MPH wind, but the tree is static and unyielding… :confused:
The base of the tree trunk is way too big; it should only flare out slightly near the ground.