
Two Omega Class Desroyers pause to watch the sunrise.

The point of this image? Blender Flares! Yes, that sun is BLENDER!

WOW! Really “artistic”! :smiley: I love it!

The flare is the best I have ever seen in blender!! Good work man!

Everything is simply perfect! Maybe you can make another pic with an omega near the cam? This ship is awesome! :smiley:

Excellent pic! Everything looks the way it should :wink:

Really nice! Maybe you could add some admosphere? You probably know that the earth has allways some kind of blue glow around it. But again, very nice work! :slight_smile:


Yea, the earth has Some glow, but very little.

thankfully, that planet isn’t Earth… :smiley:


OK, added a third Omega, some moons, and a nebula. I think it looks a bit better now, changes the feel certainly…

sorru but I like the first one better…in the second one the sun look more like an eplosion on eart than something else…

But, again, it’s a very nice pic!

Wow, both those pics are great, but the second one you updated is way freakin cool, awesome work man!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Nice pic, Realist,
Very nice job

Logik_Guy :wink:

great pics :o

when we gonna see that planet tut?
that is you thats doing one yeah?
that plant looks great, wish i could do that :-? …tut! soon please [!]
then maybe i’ll have a hope of doin a decent planet for once

I actually DID start it…

but with the school semester winding down I really don’t have the time right now…(Finals next week…EEP)

this summer, DEFINATELY by then.

Awesome work. I myself like the first one more, it’s so…full of feeling. Second one is a lot more chaotic, which kinda ruins the peaceful atmosphere. But hey, they’re both great, something I can never be able to make.


Well, instead of writting a tutorial (which can be time consuming) could you just whip up a, or alter an existing, planet and post a .blend so we can learn by example???
This would be great to tide some of us over until summer, which still seems so far away… :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Just looked at the size of the maps I’ve using…

50 megs…yikes. that at the max res blender can handle, 8000x4000
(Larger crashes on OSA…)

thats big…hehe

basically its just the nasa Blue Marble images, a slightly edited color map, two cloud layers, and a freshnel layer.

I’ll work on the tutorial, I’m afraid looking at the .blend wouldn’t help an incredible amount, the main thing is to get teh freshnel effect, and use a VERY bright light. (I have two lights in the scene lighting the planet, one shite one at lvl 10 brightness, and one at lvl 8 brightness that is tinted oarnge/blue. for a total brightness level of 18. (Pretty darn bright. :wink: )

besides that, its just materials. :slight_smile:
For earth I have five to six materials (The sixth being the optional emit map)

I’m working on a major tutorial right now, covering ALOT of aspects of planets, lighting, etc. (Starting simple, with a mars like planet, then moving onto saturn, then onto earth. fun fun, the first two won’t take long at all, the last one…LOL. that could take a bit longer to make it nice and clear.)

excellent :smiley: however you soften or difuminar (the word’s in spanish, i suggest you get a dictionary to know what it is, cuz i forgot it in english) the glow, it’s to how could i say, condensed more or less. but anyway it’s great, excellent :o

Wow…any hope of getting the second one in 1280 x 1024 res so I can use it as a desktop? I need a new one…

would you share the name of the font you used for the title?

more, much more starships… :smiley: