Sunset Villa Bali

This is my personal project called Sunset Villa. This is a project that im working with one of my friend. Design by my friend @designbyvl (instagram) and rendering by me @calvin_099 (instagram).
I used Blender + Cycle + Photoshop


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Great work, would you mind sharing your lighting setup and all the things related to color correction ? Thanks in advance

Hi! Thanks for the compliment. for my lighting setup I’m using Nishita sky texture and HDRI (for background). Here is my nodes :

so basically I’m using nishita sky texture for the lighting like the sun and the GI and then i use mix shader to mix it with the HDRI but i dont want the HDRI to affect the lighting so i use light path node (is camera ray) to just show the HDRI as a background. and then for the color correction I’m using photoshop to adjust some color and other adjustment, but before i went to photoshop i make a render ID to make the selection in photoshop much easier. this is my setting to make a fast render ID by just going to viewport shading, turn it to solid mode, make it flat and use random in color and wire color.
(i will attach the image of the render ID setting in next reply because i’m a new member and can only attach 1 file)
for the color correction i just do some simple adjustment like the saturation, sharpness, brightness and contrast, etc.
I hope this helps and answer your question :raised_hands:

this is how i make the render ID

Wow! Thankyou very much! :raised_hands:

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Fantastic thanks a lot
It’s just Im using agx these days and like many people I struggle to get good saturated colors and I think imma buy Render Raw to solve this issue.
Thanks again for your time