Super Challenge Second Round

Here is my entriee hope you all like it click on the link for full picture

The entry thread is up at i will transfer any existing entries made in this thread to Blender Battles, so people need not worry about not being accepted.

Also we have started up the Blender Battles Materials Challenge in conjunction with the release of the new Nodes material system

Good luck everyone.


Well, Where’s everybody? …

This is my entry for this challenge.


there are some more entries over at the blender battles forum, not too many though, hopefully a couple more will be submitted before the deadline.

can you explain your entree please i dont understand it sorry i am a little slow

can’t wait for this to be over so we can get the weekly challenges again :stuck_out_tongue:

Same here…



Haha, someone’s anxious to get some serious ass whooping from Sago and RobertT.

Haha, someone’s anxious to get some serious ass whooping from Sago and RobertT.

Haha, someone’s anxious to get some serious ass whooping from Sago and RobertT.

well the weekly challenges were suposed to be running the whole time… i didn’t intend them not to be running.


obviously martin was taken captive by rampaging warthogs, it’s the only possible explanation.

More likely it was just communication error between the two of us.


Is voting up yet?

I know Sago had more important things to deal with and Wu chickened out to go chasing girls (Pah! As if that would drag someone away from Blender!) but what happened to all the other contenders? It seems only a handful of the round one winners are in the running for perpetual glory.

Well, I for one, as I said in the entry thread over at Blender Battles, came home this morning (3 am) from a 19 hours drive from Italy, and now I’m frantically rendering… Hope I can still enter. DON’T PUT THE VOTING THREAD UP YET, PLEEEASE

Same here! Still rendering!! I think I’ll have it done by tomorrow morning… :frowning:

OK, finally finished rendering. I know it’s too late but I’ll post it anyways. :frowning:



awesome shoes, man, too bad you missed the deadline. you will feel better though, if you go here and vote ( for me ) … others should also go vote ( again, for me…also, do NOT vote for grape-ape, i repeat, do NOT vote for grape-ape )

First its tarnishing my name in the BWC special promo thread now your telling people not to vote for me?!

I thought we were friends, infact I thought we were more then friends. All those sleepless nights in each others arms, all the emotions just so you could stab me in the back. WHY? :confused: :frowning: :mad:

People would you, could you vote for omeone that has done this to me?
Help me in my anger and vote for me.:slight_smile:

Im back, and unfortunatly I havent even had time to create a non participating entry, so heres one I made earlier.

ps Its not a car game.

pps It works best with a joy stick, keyboard and mouse. In sumo in its various guises. I spent about an hour or so retweaking it after I had setteled into my new digs. The demo is basically as the screen shots were around a year ago. I have to appologise for using someones texure map for the special effects, but its much safer that way. This file is released under the bogey liscence. Thanks to everyone too numerous to mention.
Blender Rocks.

ppps Its time I started work on a new game, If they will let me do it as my dissertation, with bullet.


PPPPs Not forgetting stunt penguin No2

is this over? I really really want to get back to the weekly challenges :stuck_out_tongue: