Super conductivity

It is not yet possible, but scientists believe that it will/ could be a reality in 10 years. Even if it is in 20 years, it is exiting news indeed.

Check the news here

Imagine the possibilities, in 10 years, a quad CPU 4 Gb 4 Ghz computer could be only found if you dig deep enough at the landfill. We would have much more powerful computers already, and put this technology on top of it!! And it surely give me hope that one day I would live in a world where Fusion Energy is a reality.

Errrr… unless these guys take over the world :mad:

Super conductivity is already possible, a metal just needs to be cooled to below what’s called its ‘transition temperature’ this is different for each metal, this is already in use in things like particle accelerators. The thing your news is about is superconductivity in non-supercooled metals.

You may just want to reword your statement…

Otherwise this is very cool!

I stand corrected. I did mean super conductivity in the practical sense which is super conductivity at room temperature.

Woo Canada

I did mean super conductivity in the practical sense which is super conductivity at room temperature.

if it was used for a cpu then it would haft to be super conductive up to 80/90 degrees centigrade, becose this is the maximum temp a cpu will run at, without risking frying it!

resistance is cased by the lattice atoms in a metal vibrating, the hotter the metl is the more the atoms vibrate and thus there is more chance of a electron cliding with the atoms. they only stop vibrating when they are close to 0K. even the high temperatures superconductors need licwid nitrogen to cool them to the transition temp.

i think it would be imposable to make a superconducting material witch works at room temperature, becose no matter what you do, the lattice atoms will still vibrate allot

if it was used for a cpu then it would haft to be super conductive up to 80/90 degrees centigrade, becose this is the maximum temp a cpu will run at, without risking frying it!

Not really, if it was superconductive, it wouldn’t get as hot. The wires wouldn’t heat at all,but the transistors would (they can’t be superconductive, for obvious reasons).

i think it would be imposable to make a superconducting material witch works at room temperature, becose no matter what you do, the lattice atoms will still vibrate allot

It’s more complex than that, otherwise it wouldn’t work at any temperature. It’s not low resistance, it’s no resistance.

they only stop vibrating when they are close to 0K.

They never stop vibrating. Laws of QM forbid it. No illegal atoms here :slight_smile:

thats what’s in the as physics silibus, haw do you expect me to know details wen i havent been tort them

if the atoms never stop vibrating, then what cases superconductivity?

@ Hessiess

If I’m not mistaken, what I’ve remembered from quantum physics class: theoretically all metals could be super conductive at room temperature. Metals have s crystal like regular structure, and if the structure is totally uniform, an electron cloud could hover through the structure without being obstructed. But in reality metal structure is heterogeneous, making the electroncloud/ wave/ particle bump bump and bump along its journey.

Now fast forward to the new exotic materials like those barium-copper-and-not-alloys, those have a very stable and very homogeneous structure. The electron clouds are hovering above the atoms like the puck of a air hockey game. A potential gradient will push these electron clouds through the material with zero resistance. NO heat will be generated.

So why does this stop functioning at higher temperature? Easy, the atoms of the regular crystal is vibrating to much disrupting the uniform structure.

thats what’s in the as physics silibus, haw do you expect me to know details wen i havent been tort them

I don’t expect anything, I was correcting a mistake where I saw one. It’s in the syllabus because it’s a description that works at the level you know, which doesn’t make it right.

What I said isn’t exactly right, and I don’t know what is, because to get close to the truth you’ve got to be talking PhD level and above.

Nice description, toontje, I’m gonna have to do some further reading when my exams finish (tues, woo!)