Super python script instead of logic bricks

Ok, this is what’s on my mind:

Writting a script that is attached to all the enemies (and even the player maybe) that does the following:

  • Locate player
  • Rotate towards player (if triggered)
  • ‘Feel’ the cercanity of the player… etc etc etc
  • Some radar thingy similar to the logic bricks

I know that all this can be done with some math… etc, but… would this be more efficient than a bunch of logic bricks? ¿¿¿Would it be practical???


Sure that Python scripts will be more efficient that Logick bricks!
And, much faster, and complex and powerfull and…much more
Go ahead
But no need to write a BIG one
You can write some small… I guess??
Me, I can’t write even my name!!!


yes . As long as it has a gui I can bug test for ya !
Other wise I can poke around in it and try to figure out where some names and nubers are located so then I can hack some of it.

Please create it , sounds fun ^v^

i see… well… should get my hands dirty into coding.
Let’s see if i get to release some tiny script sometime. (And if it works, oh i have these ambitious dreams of what to do with it!.. )
anyways… will read that python manual again (and I should also remember those math formulas…) :slight_smile:

Hi again

You don’t need to “invent the wheel”.
There’s allredy many nice scripts available in old demos
Take a look at them before making yours.
Good luck

Really? where?
(but besides, sometimes reinventing the wheel can make you understand why the wheel is like it is!.. or maybe not… %| )