Superimposing 3d shadow onto image of 2d shadow

Definitely looks a lot better in Cycles though, I set the shadow catcher to alpha clip for all or nothing transparency, so is there a reason why the background is just white? I did test and set the light’s strength in Cycles to be lower. Sorry.

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Did you adjust these settings in Eevee to be their highest:
2022-11-10 16_30_04-Window
Cycles is for sure better in some cases, but you might be able to get better quality in Eevee


Is that latest image the Cycles render?

In your scene’s case, you have done a few things that will make it behave very different in Cycles.

  • The emissive materials which you are using actually cast light, which is brightening the shadow. Eevee doesn’t support actually emitting light from materials.
  • The shader to RGB node (you were using that method still, right?) is only for Eevee. In Cycles, you would need to go either with the shadow catcher+compositing way, or use diffuse materials for everything instead of emissives and allow the light source to directly light the character and background.
  • Cycles won’t use the blend mode and shadow mode, those are settings only for Eevee. In Cycles, shadows and transparency just work, as long as you have enough samples and transparent bounces in the render settings.

Anyway, you could get likely a similar result in Eevee. Increase the shadow resolution like @joseph mentionned and make sure you have enough render samples for a good visual quality. You could probably lighten the shadow by adding a second light source (with shadows disabled) or by adding a little bit of emissive on the shadow catching material.


Oh yea, definitely looks better, thank you, but Cycles still gives me the shadow image texture that I wanted.

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Thank you so much for the info, will get back to you on my progress.

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