Supers on Halloween!

Hi all!

Supers with a Halloween touch. Done with Blender, Zbrush and Photoshop.

Download the wallpapers on my web:

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1 Like

You Dare to Defy!

Like your style. Is it based on some artist or is it your own?

amazing!!! you have an awesome talent!

It is my own style, but i could have some influences from other artists.
I like Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, Vicente Segrelles, Frank Franzetta and others with a similar style. A diference is that i use 3d models and render and later i do few changes like color enviroments, etc


nice characters :slight_smile:

Most impressive.

Very impressive, I like such style, great work!

These are really great. Awesome lighting and superb modeling.

incredible! These should be in the gallery, 5 stars!!!

Awesome work! :slight_smile:


5 stars!

Brilliant work man!

Love your style, very visually pleasing!

5 stars from me :smiley:

Five stars!, it is a surprise, thank you.

I have three images more. Hope you like it!. If you visit my web, you see that there are six wallpapers for free download on here

Awesome :slight_smile: Love this collection man :smiley:

Brilliant composition on the second image! (The pumpkin head guy with a gun)

All six are very pleasant!

Agree about the Gallery


Thanks to all!

@ Jamie B: That’s the Punisher man! :slight_smile:
Sweet stuff Jaol! Congrats!

Wow you seem to push these out like its nothing, very well done sir! Nice to see these guys in a different view for once!

It looks like they are not yet appreciated as they deserve, please guys add some stars here!

EDIT: Hulk is in the top row now, great!
