SurfacePsycho Addon Project

FlatPatches now support holes !

Hopefully soon for curved patches too


Accompanied by its related features :tophat:

Yes, inset cannot produce an even ribbon everywhere but this is a whole other level issue.

Also I hope “SAIBD” is not a terrorist acronym or something, this is random letters



Do you think at one point your add-on could be a STEP importer so we can add materials to NURBS surfaces minus the need to imported meshed models?

This is one of the goals yes


That would be amazing

While work in fusion360 and shapr3D

I only render in blender

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The good thing is that in theory the meshing should be way better than with STEPer addon, not sure yet about the performances tho

what are the chances this being macos and pc ?

I took weeks to make it work on Linux so I am not in a hurry to do the same for MacOS, but eventually sure…

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Thanks for putting in that work :slight_smile:


arg that complex?

Mainly because we are like 3 in the world who want to do that. Also this is not my domain of expertise.

Finally found some way to replace old versions of node groups without being a buggy hack or a pain !


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I still couldn’t fix the main trim contour import bug but the rest starts to become stable so I will release 0.6 with a broken importer I guess. This is still a step forward compared to 0.5