So with that object surfcurve for creating a curved walls and what ever else. I tried this in the game engine, it doesn’t display? Is there a setting for that object?
And also using a mirror modifier should be fine in the game engine to avoid having to create an opposite of one object manually? Or would just simply creating a mirror copy be better and safer that way?
I guess the alternative is to just use a plane and edge loop it a number of times and created it like a curve.
I have also noticed with using the engine, while in the 3D window, a piece of one mesh is still displayed in the engine when in 3D it isn’t even visible as I switched the setting off.
What could of caused that? I first thought may be the light was making it appear that way. Sure isn’t any light.
But that doesn’t apply to planes. Perhaps it is a setting that needs to be checked. When I had the stungun in the game engine, the wrist band didn’t display. I checked something and it then loaded.