Surfcurve object doesn't display in the game engine environment


So with that object surfcurve for creating a curved walls and what ever else. I tried this in the game engine, it doesn’t display? Is there a setting for that object?

And also using a mirror modifier should be fine in the game engine to avoid having to create an opposite of one object manually? Or would just simply creating a mirror copy be better and safer that way?


I guess the alternative is to just use a plane and edge loop it a number of times and created it like a curve.

I have also noticed with using the engine, while in the 3D window, a piece of one mesh is still displayed in the engine when in 3D it isn’t even visible as I switched the setting off.

What could of caused that? I first thought may be the light was making it appear that way. Sure isn’t any light.

are you a distraction for some political movement?

A confusion weapon?

ask real questions, and forgo all the stuff not fitting the question…


Notsure what you are getting at?

I need to know the following, as I’ve tested the surf mesh object and it doesn’t display in the engine. Why would that be?

I think you’re both as bad as each other at this point :wink:

what do you mean by surf mesh?

In Blender in the mesh menu there is a surfmesh object, you don’t know of it?

Surfcurve the subject line states as in my original post.

surfcurve… you mean from Surface>Nurbs Curve?

Supported by the BGE are created via:


  • Mesh
  • Text
  • Armature
  • Empty
  • Camera
  • Lamp

Other objects will not be imported from the blend file. Be aware any children of unsupported objects will not be created as their parent is missing.

You still can get similar objects into your game by converting the object into a supported object (usually a mesh object <alt+c>).

Yes that is the name, the actual object name is called surface curve.

Well if that doesn’t display, then it isn’t supported just yet then.

I also wanted to add, now the typical plane doesn’t load in the game engine?

I had used that for a curve. As with other mesh pieces I have not selected to view, they appear in the game engine? What could be causing that?

you can only use normal meshes in the game engine,

Not Nurbs/curves.


But that doesn’t apply to planes. Perhaps it is a setting that needs to be checked. When I had the stungun in the game engine, the wrist band didn’t display. I checked something and it then loaded.