Surprise collision problems!!

I am all ready to ship my demo and a friend of mine points out that the collision is kinda bad. I’m thinkin’ he’s talking about every once in a while he’s falling through the collision. I decided to check it out and I am like flying out of the collision all the time now!! I checked back to an earlier version of my project and it wasn’t doing that! I made a simple collision model but I am still jumping through the collision! Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? Thanks.


are you using any DLoc on any motion actuators, if so they dont work with collision

No, I’m not using Dloc. After much testing I discovered it seems to have been a corrupt empty! I remember there being a discussioin about emties recently but didn’t read it. Anyway I replaced the empty that was the dynamic actor with one that I knew worked and now everything seems to be fine. On a related note having saved incremental files of my project every so often really saved my but on this one, its a good practice.


Just to let you know I thought I fixed my collision problem but it came back so I don’t know what is going on!


are u using a new NEAR sensor?

cuz when i used a near sensor on an obj. that also had a collision sensor… the collision sensor was triggered with a nearby bullet that should have only triggered the near sensor.

put ur near sensors in a different obj. if this is what is wrong

keep the # of obj.s in the game down, it slows down the game and turns ur collision detection to crap

yes,someone said that there is a bug on the near sensor…i had problems with the near sensors on the past and it’s very very weird(and annoying).plus collision detection on blender is very poor. :frowning: