SVN Build Errors

Is anyone else getting build errors on 64 bit Ubuntu 8.04 ?

scons: `/home/organic/build/linux2/lib/libblenkernel_blc.a’ is up to date.
Compiling ==> ‘customdata.c’
source/blender/blenkernel/intern/customdata.c:1561: error: conflicting types for ‘CustomData_bmesh_set’
source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_customdata.h:213: error: previous declaration of ‘CustomData_bmesh_set’ was here
scons: *** [/home/organic/build/linux2/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/customdata.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
organic@organic-desktop:~/blender$ svn up
At revision 15434.

I’m using gcc-4.3 and I tried replacing the whole ‘source’ directory but still no success.

Intel Core2 E6300
Gigabyte GA-945 GCM(X)-S2
2 Gb RAM

are you on a mac?


i dont know ubuntoo but this guy does evidently.

I believe it, that was one of the pages I read that helped me put together my first build in Dec. last year. I’ve been updating successfully until today.

Whoop! Man those devs are good.

Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip…

(Solved by revision 15435.)