very nice model.
but we can’t see it very well!!!
use the anti-noise filter, and be sure to add more lights, or increase the power on the existing lights.
i want more views of it too!! a model like that deserves more credit than a half-lit side view!!
nice shaders too.
Hey that looks great! Make it shiny!
woah! more lights! more angles!!!
coooool stuff
it looks like its sitting a little high though, maybe lower it a little?
Excellent job, as I said in your WIP thread.
Could use some more sharper corners, (but not oo sharp), around the windows and doors. But that is all that I really see.
Great job!!
The low lighting is kind of a tease, isn’t it? I do like the feeling that it gives the scene however. I’ll post some pics with new angles and lighting later today.