Swedish Mini Blendermeeting

nishin and I had a mini blendermeeting this sunday,
and we took some photos with my crappy digicam,
but they turned quite well anyway :slight_smile:

check these links:

it was quite nice to meet nishin, nice guy :slight_smile:

we will for certain meet soon again,
very fun to know a person in real life also using Blender.

Enjoy the photos!


Good stuff!

Good to see both of you in the flesh!



Good to see both of you in the flesh!

bah, flesh is a thing of the past! get with the times…

nice pics ztonzy! they did turn out really good… the blender models in the window screens looks darn cool too :slight_smile:

Hey, you should have told me, guys! I can get down to Malmoe in no time, you know… Interesting pics, btw.

thanks :slight_smile:

Yes I know that you live in Sweden as well,
problem is …is that we haven’t had much contact …I guess…
but we actually talked about contacting more ppl in Sweden,
maybe Eric and Macke too…

But nishin and I lives just Lund - Malmö apart, so that’s why we fixed it
fast and easy :slight_smile: but we hope for more of these events soon again :slight_smile: !!

Heh heh… no problem. I didn’t mean to sound… erm… you know… like that.

Anyways! I was thinking about some user meet too a long time ago. Never got around to actually suggest anything, mainly because Sweden is so darn streched out, kind of. Besides, there’s Green too. AFAIK he is studying in Karlkrona now, and I basically pass by there on my way down to Skåne. So maybe another meeting later on in Malmö, or something. I’m thinking beer, laptops and peanuts… Could be a lot of fun!

I’m thinking beer, laptops and peanuts… Could be a lot of fun!

yeah :stuck_out_tongue: sounds awsome !! :smiley: and summer and all !! haha :smiley:

Oh no, not Macke, he’s just too darn scary for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice photos comrade!

EDIT: And Jamesk, take it easy with those peanuts. :]

nice to meet guys! :smiley:


Too late, I’m afraid… But I guess it’s safe as long as my blubber doesn’t cover up the entire keyboard, right? :smiley:

Too late, I’m afraid… But I guess it’s safe as long as my blubber doesn’t cover up the entire keyboard, right? :D[/quote]

Right!..I can see that [Esc] is still. :smiley:

hehe…sorry I didn’t replied to your post blengine!

yeah, we are in pixels nowdays :wink: !! oh noo…not pixels! vertices !! lol

well, thanks, cool models, and cool dudes :stuck_out_tongue: