Swine Thug character modelling critique

Based off of the cool concept art by Katarzyna Zalecka, I made this partially for modelling practice. concept art was part of the Ancient Beast project http://AncientBeast.com. Please critique this model. Don’t worry about being harsh, just point out the bad parts. Right now I am focusing on the modelling and once that is good, then texturing and rigging.

model can be download from here: http://opengameart.org/content/swine-thug


It would be better if you actually create bands around the head and body. Next, onward to the shoulder guards!

I actually did make a shoulder gaurd, but I don’t show it in the picture.

it’s very square-ish

Grab an action figure of similar build and notice the roundedness of the face/torso/limbs. You have modeled from one view (side) but you really need to model from all views

Nice work so far! I think the legs should have 2 fingers in the front, along the lines of this image http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/9246091/2/stock-photo-9246091-isolated-pig-legs.jpg