How can I change between cameras? I need to render from one camera and then from another.
How can I change between cameras? I need to render from one camera and then from another.
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 0
Ctrl+0 worked, thanks!
Careful… that changes your POV but as far as I know Blender will only render from one camera at a time.
What was told to me, when I posed a very similar question a few months ago, turned out to be quite correct. When you’re assembling a piece like this: - Compose each shot as a separate scene, each one involving one camera and camera movement. - Render each scene. - Assemble the individual scenes using the Sequence Editor or a separate video-compositing program. - Where possible, work in layers, that is to say, in the video-editing sense of the word. If several objects are moving against the same background, render the background and the objects individually, then composite them together. In my project, the individual scenes are “LinkOb’d” to the base scene where the objects live, and I’m exploring how objects can be imported from other Blender files. (There seem to be a few insects with “File…Import.”)