Switching Between Material / Textures with a Slider or Buttons

Is there a way to conveniently switch between materials via the use of a slider or buttons, that can be placed into a material group node?

I have four materials on one object that I would like to switch between when necessary, at the moment I have few “Mix Shader” nodes, setup so I can switch between two material groups A,B & C,D and switch between two materials for A & B as well as two for C & D…This works well, however it takes three sliders to manage. The sliders works with the values of 0.0 or 1.0.

Is there a way to have one slider or a button setup to switch between all four materials?..Blender doesn’t seem to have a dedicated node that does this (at least not that I’m aware of) It would be amazing if it did…There’s probably a way to do this with geometry nodes, but that’s way beyond my skill level.

Any help, or suggestion would be appreciated.

Here’s an example setup.

you could stack your mix nodes like this and use “less-than”- nodes to control the factors:

multiswitch.blend (193.1 KB)

Thanks LordoftheFleas…I’ll give that a try with shaders, it looks a lot simpler than what I found. Its pretty much the same as what I was able to find, except you use “Less than” rather than “Color Ramp”
Thanks for that!

Here’s what I came up with, with info found on a forum.

Node Setup…

The Color Ramps are setup as such (Interpolation: Set to Constant)

Color Ramp 1:
Color Stop 1 = 0.00 - Black
Color Stop 2 = 0.10 - White
Color Stop 3 = 0.19 - Black

Color Ramp2:
Color Stop 1 = 0.00 - Black
Color Stop 2 = 0.20 - White
Color Stop 3 = 0.29 - Black

Color Ramp3:
Color Stop 1 = 0.00 - Black
Color Stop 2 = 0.30 - White
Color Stop 3 = 0.39 - Black

And so on if more switches are needed.

Material Plugged in.