Is there a way to conveniently switch between materials via the use of a slider or buttons, that can be placed into a material group node?
I have four materials on one object that I would like to switch between when necessary, at the moment I have few “Mix Shader” nodes, setup so I can switch between two material groups A,B & C,D and switch between two materials for A & B as well as two for C & D…This works well, however it takes three sliders to manage. The sliders works with the values of 0.0 or 1.0.
Is there a way to have one slider or a button setup to switch between all four materials?..Blender doesn’t seem to have a dedicated node that does this (at least not that I’m aware of) It would be amazing if it did…There’s probably a way to do this with geometry nodes, but that’s way beyond my skill level.
Thanks LordoftheFleas…I’ll give that a try with shaders, it looks a lot simpler than what I found. Its pretty much the same as what I was able to find, except you use “Less than” rather than “Color Ramp”
Thanks for that!
Here’s what I came up with, with info found on a forum.
Node Setup…
The Color Ramps are setup as such (Interpolation: Set to Constant)
Color Ramp 1:
Color Stop 1 = 0.00 - Black
Color Stop 2 = 0.10 - White
Color Stop 3 = 0.19 - Black
Color Ramp2:
Color Stop 1 = 0.00 - Black
Color Stop 2 = 0.20 - White
Color Stop 3 = 0.29 - Black
Color Ramp3:
Color Stop 1 = 0.00 - Black
Color Stop 2 = 0.30 - White
Color Stop 3 = 0.39 - Black