How can I have a bone or Hand rig pick up one object then on a different frame it selects another object leaving the other object in place.
So say if I animated a character - his left arm picked up a can then put it down, then the can is no longer in control of his left arm so he can pick the can up with his right arm with no struggle of the animation of his left arm. Do you use constraints or something.
all constraints have an “influence” slider at the bottom of the box.
Lets say, you use the “copy location” constraint on an object, that
copies the location of a special bone of an armature. Then the
influence slider at 1.0 will put the object at the bones position
and the slider at 0.0 will drop it to it old position.
Now animate the position of the slider …
And shure, for different objects, you setup such a constraint
for every object … and only those with the slider at 1.0 will “snap”
to the position of the bone.