Sword of...mmmm..Bho? (update #2 22/07)

Well, actually this is not a sword (yet) it is just part
of the bas-relief (or more exactly high-reliefs…) I’m preparing for it :smiley:


THree views, Front, 30° on right, 60° on right

Not perfect in proportions, and there might be some tweaks to
do here and there, but will be seen mainly from Front, and surely won’t
be that big in the final rendering.


WOW! :o

Very nice start.

The back of the knee looks odd and the split between the buttocks goes too high IMO. But other than that, it looks very good.


:o I dont see the reason to continue this, just move to finished products. or perhaps, turn it 90 degrees, and add beach.


Very nice work and a great start :slight_smile:

Looking forward to watching this develop!

oh my god! you’re very talented!

I’ll be checking this thread :slight_smile:


Great start! i like the cat-like eyes!
now give those nymphs some hooters! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Looks great!!!

Few thinks i don’t like ass could be little rounder and buttocks should join little lower or that crack should fade ( pull those vertexes togeather). Hand looks litte odd and those kneecaps have little too hard edges for my taste. I realise that she is stylised and my crit is just opinion that u can just ingore.

I absolutler love that hair!!!

Now updates!

very cool! tad flat lookin though… :þ

Thanx guys

Right, fixed that, thanx :slight_smile:

Could be an idea :slight_smile: two scenes with a single model… mmm… economic :slight_smile:

Hehe… the outline of the sword is ready… Blade might be finished soon!

oh my God, you’re too kind :slight_smile:

Nope, and the reason for this will be very clear in next WIP picture :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, she is sylized, but knees and buttocks have been modified as per BgDM sggestion, some other issue are also resolved in flattening the model :slight_smile:

She’s flatter now :stuck_out_tongue:


Ack!!!55!!!5!!! looksee like someone took an AXE and played catch with her back!

Ok, another detail of the sword of Bho?


Now, let’s add further stuff…


Second Update

The Blade, in full & details!

*WARNING NUDITY IS BACK (So maybe you will look at the WIP :stuck_out_tongue: *
*WARNING NUDITY IS BACK (So maybe you will look at the WIP :stuck_out_tongue: *

Now I need a hilt.

Of course once the model is finished you will be shown a final YafRay render :wink:


OOOOHHHHHH!!! Very nice blade design.

So you used your BWF for the displacement on the blade? Looks very good. But why not try Manuel’s displacement script. Would be less poly’s to worry about.


Herm, actually THat is made with three basic shapes on some path with dupliverts and an IPO on X scale…

The really anoying thing has been clipping it inside the blade space :o


perhaps, the lady could bend alongside the sword blade?


That’s looking really nice :o

Keep up the good work!

Nice start, The lady on the blade is nice idea, but I’ll wait for the hilt and handle before my finald comments.

Actually, I’d do more of an “engraving” affect on the girl… “engrave” her in to the blade of the sword, either with uv mapping and photoshop (or whatever program) or normals, or however you masters do it : þ

well have a good one,

Yep. 404

This was 18 months ago, I think we can let him off.

You weren’t just searching for nudity were you? There are better sites for porn.

Elysiun just doesn’t cut it in the world of mass-produced hardcore XXX action.