Sword on Display

here is a little sword i whipped up the other day when i was board…it started out just for fun but then it was actually looking decent so i desided to finish it…now this sword isnt based on anyhtign i just made it up as i went…so im not looking on crits on the shape of the sword and stuff cuz really i know absolutely nothing about swords
but based on the model itself what do you think

ps…when did they get a mr t smilie :ba:

Nice work…the detail on the hadle is rally good…the wood/ metal hinges and red felt/cloth textures could be a little better maybe…and im not sure the about the way very little shadow gets cast ob the felt/cloth…but its really strong and dark on the wood…i think the might look better is they were less different… as for the model its self… i think there nothing really to improve :slight_smile: …but…i realy like it when stuff looks a bit worn/used/bettered/dirty… there are too many perfectly clean models i think… maybe you could put a few chips and scrathes in the wood case…or even the blase of the sword?