got the idea from X - TV, cool anime.
Awesome. I guess we all have our specialties.
Very good looking sword!
I’ve never heard of it…what’s it about?
Maby a little more colour, especially around the hilt.
i like the first one better, with only one handgaurd.
Very good looking sword!
I’ve never heard of it…what’s it about?[/quote]
well its about 7 dragons of earth vs 7 dragons of heaven, both leaders have the same sword that cuts a building in half heres a picture of both leaders. There are two kinds of x one is x - tv and one is x - movie I personaly like the movie everybody died except for the main character.
yeah I guess the first one is much better.
There are two kinds of x one is x - tv and one is x - movie I personaly like the movie everybody died except for the main character.
quote] Just my kind of show! What do you think of NGEvangelion?
NGEvangelion I’ve seen a few episode of it and it does look cool , and now that you mention about people died in it maybe I’ll go see the rest of it 8)
well anywho I just colored the sword and heres what it looks like…not sure if I keep it this way though.
The colors seem a bit too bright, I think
PS: about evangelion, just watch the two movies-Death and rebith and the end of evangelion- the whole series recaped plus the End
Just a quick note: the handguard appears to be too narrow to actually let your hand get onto the hilt.
Maybe bend it a little so that it forms a nice curve around where your knuckles would be.
Just IMO.
Before u change the colours try changing the background to maby somthing darker (Darker than white, how hard can that be), and maby give it an ambient glow. Bish: u might b right, but it may just be the angle the sword it at.
well this what I’ve done so far… so…what do you guys think should call it finish or it needs more editing like the sword it doesn’t blend in with the backround.
PS: thanks for the reply
nice. what did you use for the grass? ripsting’s script?
yep ripsting Fiber Generator