
i’m a bit of a sword fan
so here is my 1º sword

Sword of Darkness

Sword of Darkness v2

The hilt design is great, but I’m not sure about the blade material being bumpy.

I agree, the blade looks strange bumpy. Maybe two materials, bumpy for the raw material and a sharper brushed metal or reflective finish for the edge?


I expected another one of those boring renders and you managed to surprise if not blow me away. Nicely lit and great materials. Only the bump appears to be slightly stretched. I would also expect the blade to be smooth at least on the sharp edges.

absolutely amazing - just 1 thing, the handle looks a little short even for a greek sword (only a fraction - or it might be the perspective)

tanks for the c&c
I have change the material of the blade


Closer, but would recommend aligning the “brush” marks on the hollow-ground portion to be perpendicular to the blade’s edge… think of how it’s made on a circular grinding wheel (bench grinder)…

Otherwise, very nice sword render! stands out from the crowd, as jimmac said…

looking nice, no texturing crits. i’m just curious about the useablity of a sword like that. its definitely not what i’d be taking into battle, give me 4 feet of moderately sharp steel any day :). looks pretty cool, but a little too high-fantasy for me

-XrQLz :stuck_out_tongue:

its funny lol…i modeled that same sword from a pic i found on google…mine wasnt good thouhg so way to go