Linux.conf.au is one of the world’s premier Linux and open source software conferences, and it’s coming up very soon at the University of New South wales, in Sydney, Australia.
Part of the conference includes an ‘open day’, almost like an open-source trade show, on Thursday the 18th of Jan. I’ve been invited, and have agreed to give a short demo of Blender/Elephants Dream here at the open day, but I’ve since learned that there will also be 40 or so tables set up and available throughout the day for each project to give demos and chat to people. There will be a lot of interesting people and great open source projects represented here, and it would be great for Blender to have a presence.
I can be at a table for a short while, but I’m really busy on that day and I have to leave early. So, are there any Blender users in Sydney who would like to come down and hang out there in the afternoon? That way there won’t just be a pathetic looking empty Blender desk as people come by A computer would be useful, but if not, it might still be good to have someone there at least to chat, show some pictures, etc.
The timetable looks like this:
9am - Furniture layout and check of electricity - Open Day organisers only
12pm - 2pm - setup for Open Day - that means all you. If you need more than
2 hours to setup, please let me know.
3pm Open Day starts
6pm Food is served - one pie and drink per person (and extra for sale)
7pm Prizes, announcements, some last talks
8pm Open Day close
If anyone can help out, that would be really great, so please get in touch with me (email: [email protected]) ASAP in order to work things out. Thanks!