Symmetrical weight painting

Is it possible to do symmetrical weight painting without manually splitting my mesh into two pieces? I’ve already done building my mesh. I don’t want to split it into two pieces because:

a) My mesh is not symmetrical to start with
b) It’s gonna mess up the rigging on other parts

There are certain parts on the mesh that ARE symmetrical which I want to do symmetrical weight painting. What I mean is when I paint on the left side, Blender draws an imaginary line across middle of mesh and the right side will automatically get painted the exact same.

What I mean:


I want to be able to weight paint left side of that indicated area, then right side will automatically reflect same weight painting. But as you can see entire object is not symmetrical. No this is not my object I just quickly drew it in MS Paint to show what I mean.


Did you try using Mirror tool in the Toolshelf while in Weight Paint mode ?

Note that Mirror acts only on X axis, so your mesh should be rotated appropriately (if rotating to make mesh being oriented correctly make sure to apply rotation afterwards).
If mesh is approximately symmetrical you might want to enable Topology Mirror.
Also note that Mirror tool mirrors current vertex group, i.e. it overwrites existing weights. You might want to copy veertex group for mirrored results.

See Weight Tools in manual for more info.
