Symmetry on character looking weird

Hey! So just working on this character and tried to like duplicate from the half I have completed only for it to turn into this… Any tips on fixing it? I feel like there has to be a command. Super new to blender, sorry if it’s a silly question. To be clear, I want to remove the area dented to bring the halves closer together without the ‘seam’.

Duplicated and scaled by -1 on X ?? → recalculate normals
Mirror modifier ? → play with merge distance
Still not ? → select the middle edges and scale X to 0 with pivot point 3D cursor at 0,0,0

I appreciate you dude

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If it was something of that then just tell so others might also get some help fromt this :wink:

Tbh I don’t remember what I did, pretty sure it was mirror modifier, trying to figure out which way to change the numbers rn lmao

Will update when I figure out what I did haha

Then it was the magick of posting in here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

unfortunately still stumped… perhaps it’s the mesh?

I’m assuming you’re using Mirror Modifier? What happens if you turn off Clipping option in it?
Perhaps some vertices that were not on the center line (but close to it) got pulled to center…

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this is the inside. I’ll try turning off clipping tysm

Yeah… Off/on clipping makes no difference

Yeah, you definitely pulled too many vertices to the center… maybe, like Okidoki says, the “merge distance” was too big (in that case lowering the value should help)…
…or maybe you moved the whole thing manually and it clipped to the mirror plane (in that case… probably the only thing that would help is reverting to an older version of that mesh if possible - hope you made a copy of it before doing anything).

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I didn’t do it manually so will try playing with the merge again. Tysm!

mkay this is what i’m at, smoothing won’t blend the line down, it’s at the minimum but I didn’t do it manually, is there any way to like cut a small slice of the center and merge the two halves back together without the cut?

Wait, so are you using the Mirror Modifier or the Symmetrize function?

I can see there is some modifier on the mesh, but what is it?

am i actually stupid. the mirror one is the one at the top right like where x y z is… i thought it was two diff buttons for the same thing