T1000, 1991 Robert Patrick grascale study

Super super early in sculpting. Trying to get my head around blender sculpting at the early phases. Is there away of having multiple cameras with different images displayed at once? It would be awesome to have a quad or tri view with different images best on camera angel for sculpting. I think the cameras ranges from 50 mm to 100 mm. Howver I don’t think you have different viewport camera angles per view.

He tends to tilt his head which is going to be a pain to correct for too. And his jaw is very assymetric so cant’ tackle that for awhile.

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Merged the nose and masked out some ears. Keeping polycount very low until I figure out the proportions and planes of the face.

Any idea why the topology is not even with the remeshing?

One more planar revision for tonight. Next goal is the mouth line, figuring out where the lids will go. Still at the same resolution. Also Im not sure what going on with the back of the jaw to the neck area yet.

Slowly gettting all the main forms. I bumped up the resolution a lot to have enough geo for main forms.


He’s about ready for retoplogy. Not sure if I should model the traps or not for his neck. And will this polycount be bad for retopo flow?

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This would imply that the symmetry is not perfect. I see a rotation value in the images. Is this mesh rotated?

If the polygon count is an issue, you could try decimating the mesh before retopo. Decimation can remove lots of polygons before you even really notice the difference.

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When you first start sculpting portraits, resemblance is not the main focus. What’s important is to pay attention to the relationship between bone landmarks and their positions under the skin. Additionally, the placement of the ears in your sculpture is noticeably incorrect.


I basically halved the resolution in the remesher and still had enough. Hopefully this will work. I dread doing his ears with retopology. I also tend to get weird topology when I add eye sockets and mouth cavity.

As for anatomy. The glabella and frontal tuber emenences in his skull are rather complicated. I can’t find a good side view. The one I have looks really wide. But when he turns his head his head is squat. Affects the overhang of this brows too.

When I zeroed out all transforms I still go some weirdness in the topology from left to right. Sculpts fine but just odd.

Im trying to find old interviews and promos for references as well. Already looked through pintrest and gettyimages.

Just doing old school retopo in blender. I didn’t not know you could make the topology transaprent and float before so that does help a lot. Retopo flow still doens’t work even if the mesh is only 27000 polys.

For topology I have to reasearch how I won’t the nasalabial loop and eye visor loop to attach. Nasal wing can be tricky too. So I will take my time with those areas.

In youtube I can search per frame with “. ,” keys so i was able to pull good side profile. Front view haven’t found yet that dead on. May have to just have to deal with a tilted down view.

Im going for a much higher density than I usually do because the mouth and eyelids never have enough loops when I sculpt at high resolution. This may allow me to not have to divide to the 6th level for lip wrinkle details.


Hopefully these poles around the nasal wing wont cause weird issues in sculpting. I always hate adding poles but you need them for the flow. I terminated the midle forehead polys around the hair line to hide any weirds stuff that could happend around those poles too. Normallly its terminated around the eyebrow muscles.


Not the greatest loops but hopefully will work.

I fear I may need to put seams around the ears since there is distortion with the minimum stretch method in the ears. Was hoping to match the uvs of texture xyz.


Minimal distort method is a nice improvement. But I don’t think I can get a super clean texture xyz style of single island uv. The ears looked awful without seaming them and still are distorted. Im tempted to split the head in half and join the islands together for a cleaner uv. Open to suggestions for getting the best uv possible without using udims.

Second is without a ear seperation and trying to control the map with weight paints.


Magic UV bug where its saying the symmetrical mesh isn’t symmetrical basically. Im trying to follow this tutorial. But stuck at this part

At the 2:34 minute area. Fantastic tutorial btw, but magic uv is acting super werid.

Some face are different size error

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I redid them since I couldn’t figure out how to do it. They are not perfectly symmetric but this the least distortion Ive ever gotten and highest textel density too. Would be nice to have a symmetry brush option in the uv editor.


I tried using overlay to double check my sculpt but always manage to somehow make it worse. I feel better when the sculpt is nextto each. The references aren’t ideal so probably still off a lot. Today was the first I got to sculpt. Only 2 levels in at 40000 polies.

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Current progress. Open to any suggestions for the likeness.

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Im not sure how to model the button up part of the police jacket. Its not symmetric I don think since it looks like it over laps. My screenshots were looking thin because there is some camera distortion in the viewport but does not exist in the camera renders. Odd feature I think.

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Some more block in done. And I believe a better likeness. I think Im read to sub divide to refine the main form. Than wrinkles and pores.


Blocking in the hair really brings out the likeness. Nice work!


Thanks so much. Several tricky areas remain, pore level details I think you recommended some brushes awhile ago to me? In the past Id hand sculpt the pore brushes but Im lazy this time! Also the lapels overlap I guess I could use face sets to do that? Im also tempted to used dynotopo for the hair clumps.

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