Taking inspiration from Al Capone's activist phase...

when the egg is fertilized, nothing particularly “life-creating” happens, we still only have 1 cell.
However when the child is born, everyone would agree that the child is alive.

Herein lies the problem - because it changed, says the human mind, there must be a point somewhere that it changed at. Since for it to change something noticible has to happen, people look for noticable changes, and find 2: conception and birth.

So people are split up into the people who think that the child gets life at conception, and the others that think it happens at birth (and those who say life begins at 40 :wink: )

Others have realised the problems and tried to create a point in between, calling it the transition from embryo to fetus, but this also has 2 problems: (1) the definitions of embryo and fetus are also subjective - what defines “a distinctively recognizable form” or “basic structural resemblance”?
and (2): they’re still trying to find a point

when you’re caught for speeding, the fine depends on how fast you were going at the time - you wouldn’t expect to get the same fine for going 10kph over and 100kph over.
ihmo abortion should be no different - very early abortions should get a small “wear a rubber next time” warning fine, and very late abortions get a large penalty; with a sliding scale in between.

BTW: who here’s read the Science of Discworld?

i do have nearly all the terry pratchett books ,but no i havn’t read that one.

i am pro early abortion, but yes i agree that an abortion late in the pregnancy is not good (unless it were a totally disabled child that would die anyway, e.g. no head )


Yea, yea, come accross this stuff in liberal boards all the time, punish the child not the father isn’t a logical answer.

Yea, yea, come accross this stuff in liberal boards all the time, punish the child not the father isn’t a logical answer.[/quote]


Its completely pointless to split hairs over when “life” begins. Thats not the point. In fact, focusing on that aspect of it is the most ignorant thing you could possibly do because that’s not the point of the argument. The real problem people have is with “killing” or “murder”. “Its not right to kill babies!!” No its not. No kidding. Anti-abortionists use the term “baby killer” as if the women who get abortions drive around in cars with little white babies painted on the side marking their kills. Or as though you’d walk into their house to find the stuffed carcasses of aborted fetuses hanging on the walls like hunting trophies. Its completely ridiculous to treat them as though they walked in with a bright smile on their face excited about the prospect of muting the voice of an undeveloped human being. We all know that standing outside an abortion clinic with a sign screaming profanities at the poor women who have to go through with it will solve the problem. And yes, aborition is a problem. No healthy society should require the existence of such a procedure. Anyhow…all of you who wish to sit around screaming about death and saying “Chose life! Your mother did!” may continue to do so. But do it with the thought in mind that nobody thinks its a good idea. Its just something some people have to do. Get over it.

most people that choose to get aborted don’t litly make the decision.

this is a topic which i think should be left up to personal choice.

so you don’t like abortion (then don’t do it)

but if somone else feels differently (then it doesn’t effect you does it)


It’s just impossable to enforce such laws, I don’t think police men will be going garbage can to carbage can looking for aborted babies, but the moral of having kids before merrage is what created the garbage dumbing illegal back street abortion in the first place. I will most like believe that life begins after menstration stops, but not meny will agree and will just remane the same.