OK, I made this character yesterday, rigged him up, trying to improve my general animation skills.
Heres the first clip, a walk, and extreme kind of squat. http://uploader.polorix.net//files/96/Lanky%20Test.mov
All C&C wanted. The camera moves are iffy, and at one point, the arm moves thru the leg(I will be fixing that:o )
Any comments on the material are welcome. Was going for a kind of exagerated SSS. Done with the nodes.
It’s hard to see with the camera moving around and at that funny angle, if this is a animation flow test, you should probably keep the camera pretty regular so the movie doesn’t look as shaky.
That said, I don’t know how much actual help I can be, since I’m still learning, myself.
Downloading… Will edit after watching. I hate dial up.
EDIT: Okay, I finished watching it. You need work on some problems with weight and timing. When the ball hits the character in the face, the fall is far too slow- it’s like he’s on the moon. The posing is wrong as well as he fell.
I agree about the timing and posing. I’d have a sharp, steep Ipo for the movement when he gets hit by the ball so that it’s clear that there’s a reaction to the contact. The ball should also bounce when it hits his head, unless it’s made of plutonium, which it’s clearly not, judging by the way it bounces later. There seem to be some rigging/skinning problems also. The left shoulder looks kinda wack when he’s throwing the ball. Seems like maybe the weight painting should extend further up the shoulder.
I would’ve commented on the animation as soon as I noticed, but 'Nothing? Is it that bad?.. ahem, lalala, ’ is kind of a turn off. People have lives. They’ll comment when they comment. Anyway, yeah, the main thing I noticed is that he needs a faster ‘ball-in-the-face-SMACK’ effect. Also. You have to make sure his feet slip properly and stuff, instead of just shifting into a pose, he needs to FALL, with his densest areas of mass leading the way on account of more air displacement. Inertia, and stuff.
@everybody: ok, thanks for the crits. Timing does need work, thanks for looking @blackboe: yeah, sorry about that, Im lame Maybe someday I’ll get a life…
Thanks again for all the crits and comments everyone,
Ok, finished little something else, trying to get in the crits Ive been hearing.
A short couple of steps(exaggerated, almost march-like) and then a slip, and threw in the last part for effect. Please pardon the audio, dont have time to put anything great together right now. http://uploader.polorix.net//files/96/Lanky%20Slip.mov
Looks more like something between cool-rap-dude and sneaking than marching to me. he seems to jump a little bit after each step?? And then slides in a gliding fashion.