Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS)
Back and forward motion assisted by stepper motors.
Side stepping and leg rotation assisted by artificial muscles.
Lets start with the legs.
This will be added in my Military Vehicles & Equipment Showcase thread when it is completed for focused critique.
Tips and suggestions about the designs are very much welcome.
I’m finished with the legs. Now unto the torso.
The entire torso is wrapped in artificial muscles and the arms are controlled by stepper motors.
I don’t know about double post but this is an update.
The suit is almost complete. I am still working on the hands and the helmet is the most challenging.
Neck rotation is assisted by artificial muscles located inside the neck piece.
The helmet is all about thick visor, hud, saturation and hydration stuff.
I need some suggestions and tips about texturing metallic materials.
Looking good. Once you get the hands done, I’d start working on some finer details to make it more realistic.
For texturing metallic materials, use an image texture as the factor on a mix shader node between two gloss shaders w/different gloss settings, or just use it as the factor for the gloss roughness.
This is NOT my image. The image is here: http://i46.tinypic.com/25h1n2e.jpg
Also,some normal and bump maps would really spice up the render and compliment your modelling.
Anyway, good modelling and a good start.
This suit will be the basic combat gear of the antagonist’s army for my cg movie.
Hey that style of metallic texture is good for the suit’s paint job. That scratchy, peely paint makes it more realistic.
Now unto the hands. This is the hard part.
Modeling the artificial muscles located inside the suit next to the wearer’s skin. I may refer to the human anatomy for this.
I need some real life references. I currently refer to the Crysis N2 and N1.
I don’t know what kind of texture I will use with these but I think they are just black and shinny. But I may just keep them untextured for now since they will remain hidden inside the suit. Just texture into glossy black when they are exposed when the armor is damaged, showing internal parts.
The helmet is quite funny for now. How do I make it rounder?
Alright. It was now finished. We now have a light infantry suit to rig and use as enemy powered armored soldier.
.blend file included.
It is yours tweak it as you like.