Taman Patra House 1 & 2

Hello Guys,
Here are Taman Patra Houses (1 & 2) Renovation
Location: Taman Patra Kuningan, Jakarta. Indonesia
Modeling n Rendering in Blender
Touch up with Gimp

Comments are welcome…



It looks good. The people and the car are nice touches and the grass and other textures look very natural.

Some things I would suggest:

  1. Get some bump-mapping on the roof tiles to give them some depth.
  2. Correct the matt halo effects on the green tree.
  3. get a more realistic road texture.

Nice lighting and colors.

yeah nice, but i don’t think that the people fit in at all theyre too realistic for the cg you’ve done and put subsurf modifiers on the cars

Your work is always mostly architectural design.
For the benefit of your work maybe you should consider using external renderer’s such as indigo.