Tank Game WIP

what DDD said :slight_smile:

And as Blender is automatically generating a BoundingBox for any object, I guess it should be relatively easy to get the python values for it accordingly.
showing the bounding box isnā€™t hard at all. Itā€™s just a single checkbox inside blender to show the bbox together with the mesh, or alternatively you can change the display mode to only show the bbox.
Snapping to it is a totally different topic I have no idea about. Itā€™s not a standard thing, Blender would usually do.
However, if you get a true .5-units-in-x-y-direction feature (unfortunately unlike a mesh-grid-snap-relying solution as you have right now), it shouldnā€™t be hard to code the same thing in z-direction, except that the distance is variably defined by the sum of heights of bounding boxes underneath (plus maybe to snap ā€œsidewaysā€ for ā€œfloatingā€ parts like sections of bridges, but I guess, thatā€™s for a later part and if you come that far, you could do collision-avoiding and parts of multiple sizes of .5 units aswell)

I guess, your only true choice is to look into python^^
Or you just stick to the full version of blender at the risk that some people add maps that are not possibly dealt with ingameā€¦

Hehe, my computer runs at 38 kbps at maximum, It takes me like 5 mins to do 1 mb of download. I can watch it on the school computers every now and again though lol.
Still waiting on those texture mapping projects? The concept art failed miserably lol.
For the UAV, my view of this firing is just a bit of propulsion out of the barrel, kind of hangs in the air for a sec in front of the tank as it grows and unfolds, the boosts away with a big bang and flash from the engines. with some skillfull scaling I think you could pull off a sweet sequence

Is anybody there?

howdy ho, neighbor. sorry ive been busy lately :stuck_out_tongue: a flood of progress coming soon

curiously awaiting implied update.

Check out his youtube channel =) Lots of good stuff to watch on there. Familiarized myself with the old tanarus at the library today too lol.

I already checked that :wink:

Ohhhh, two steps ahead!
cough beginning to agree with you though lol cough

Hey you bastages I do read this thing. Anyway yeah, Iā€™m waist-deep in macros, batch files, and compiling exesā€¦ Doesnt help that I suck at all 3 of those things apparently. So like I said, this ā€˜map editorā€™ will be jury rigged with a few small separate softwares, but overall it will perfectly simulate a standalone map editor until I find someone with enough will/skill to replace my jury rigging with an actual standalone. Iā€™d say a week until I have something presentable, but when I do share you will be able to tell that I have been working on it and not slacking off :wink: I swear

Small update. Iā€™m slowly locking out all of the unwanted functions of blender. I wanted to be able to run Blender in a single, optionless window so people cannot ā€˜mess aroundā€™ with other functions. I spent 2 days googling and got basically zero information on how to do something like this, so naturally I made my own way. A byproduct of this is that I slapped together a small jury-rigged app I call Fullscreen Toggler. It needs to be cleaned up a bit but it will give you a general idea of what Iā€™m shooting for as an editor window. Basically it forces a size and position of the active window and autohides the taskbar and titlebar to simulate fullscreen. This will be built-in to the editor experience but for now you guys can try it out as a separate install if you like. More to come.
Download FS Toggler here

Decided to also include a separate exe that is geared specifically for Blender. This will resize the Blender window to exclude the window title-bar, top sub-window header, and stretch the window just beyond screen resolution to prevent resizing. Also in this version I decided not to remove the taskbar for simplicities sake.

Download Blender FS here


Heh, interesting :slight_smile:

Iā€™m actually wrapping up an installer atm. Iā€™m having some trouble with some scripts though, more specifically with visual basic and batch files. I am not very good at this kind of thing, but I am very close. If anyone has any scripting knowledge it would help immensely even to just glance at what I have. Let me know and Iā€™ll send you a file. Until then, Iā€™ll keep tweaking until I get it and have something immediately after.

Your game is awesome. Do you know a tutorial that shows how to unwrap game models or how to draw textures like yours? Does your game work with the BGE or you used another game engine?

Thanks man that is cool of you to say. I dont know a tutorial off the top of my head no sorry. Basically you watch a bunch and gather a little knowledge from each, at least thats what it was in my case. As for the game engine, nah we dont use BGE at all. The clone of the 96 game will be done in gamestudio, and the sequel (one with the better gfx) will be done entirely in C++ (no engine).

Nickmaster, try ā€œBlender 3d: Noob to Proā€ on Wikibooks. After that, the rest is just practice lol.

Anyone know which file(s) contain the data for ā€˜saved default settingsā€™ for blender?

In blender 2.49, there is a .blend file in instalation directory taht stores default setting, if Iā€™m not mistaken

Thanks alot man that helps a ton. One more:

Anyone know if there is a way (in 2.49b) to link UVmap scale to actual scale? For example, if I scale a plane by 2, the UVmap gets scaled by 2 automatically.

Also if anyone knows how I can scale in a set increment at a time that would help too. Say for example as I hit S then drag the mouse, it scales the object in increments of 1, to scale 2, then 3, then 4, etc. I experimented with the user prefs and view&controls with scaling to grid, but I cant seem to get any increment besides .10 (This would only be useful if the question I asked above was possible)


Sorry guys, no updates for at least a week or so. I have a bad back and basically destroyed it this weekend, so Iā€™ll be literally immobile. On the upside, I concidentally set up my room with a wireless monitor, kb, and mouse in advance for when this new PC arrives, so even though Iā€™ll be handicapped Iā€™ll still be back on Blender within a week :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would you need to scale the UVmap and the object simultaneously?
Wouldnā€™t that strangely deform the texture during the scaling process?
Incremental can be chosen in the user settings (just pull down that corresponding bar) as default. If not activated by default, you can do it by pressing shift during the given action.
The Increment size, IIRC, is based on how zoomed-in you are and thus, what lines you can still see in the grid.
So you should also be able to set the increment-size by grid settings.
Besides that, I donā€™t think there is an optionā€¦

I just typed a wall of fā€”ing text 2x now and lost connection -_-

Anyway, small update: I scrapped the bulky macro software and Iā€™m now scripting the entire thing as its own small exe that can simply be run when Blender runs. It will essentially be a plugin for Blender, the only difference is that it will be an exe instead of a py script :stuck_out_tongue: It was my intention to do this anyway, but I figured now is better than later. Long story short, I have alot of work to redo, but not nearly as much intensive thought and figuring-out to do, so progress should be steady.

As for snapping-via-the-grid options, there is only options for movement, scaling, and rotation. The movement is awesome, I can snap objects in place automatically as long as I match their scale to the grid-space value (this way objects move around evenly). Rotation is useful also, so long as the grid-space value and object scale are both 45 (this way I can rotate in increments of 45 degrees). However, scaling seems to only work in increments of 1/10th of whatever the grid-space value is. For what I need, Iā€™d need the actual grid value, not 1/10th of itā€¦ so I canā€™t have movement/rotation AND scaling, I need either or, so of course I went with movement and rotation since they are by far more ideal.

The issue with scaling isnt even that important. In fact, I have a nice script right now that scales an object up and down using the arrow keys with values of 1. Basically objects can be set between a size of 1 and 10, and the arrow keys to increase/decrease between 1 and 10. Right now (since I donā€™t know a way to sync UVmap scale to object scale), I have the UVmap scaled using the arrow keys also. So a quick macro runs, scaling the object and UVmap in its subwindow all at once. As quick as it is, its not instant and hence my question for a more ā€˜automaticā€™ solution.

Scaling isnā€™t an issue, I have a good method already. There IS an option to scale/move/rotate the UV map just like you would an object, using the grid-space value, however this is no use to me in terms of scaling, as mentioned above, and would still require manual input. My main need is to sync UVmap scale to object scale, so the work is done automatically, if possible. The main reason I require this is for meshes that have seamless tiled textures, like floors or walls or land. Even if you tell me there isnā€™t a way to do this, that is still good info because I can start llooking for another way sooner.