tank tracks

ok i know there are a few tuts on how to do tank tracks, so know attacks with the “search the forums first”. but none of these seem to work well and have serious limitations.

was wondering if anyone coul get my idea to work… cause i cant.

i wast thinking of using armatures for each link and animating one turn of the tracks. then bake this action and use another armature/empty with the new action constraint to play the rotation action.

think this would work?

i can never get the nla animation to work.


k… even a reply sayin you dont know wtf i’m on about??

nla is wrong isn’t it… but ya can get what i mean… baked ipo action’s…

there was a tutorial on tank treads once


thanx but i know about that one. move the track and the threads go haywire…

Think I found a solution.

Single follow curve with time offsets for the threads (sounds familiar ?).

Moving the tank without threads going haywire can be done if one uses an amature instead of parenting the follow curve to an empty or give it its own Ipo. A sinlge bone USEd as BONE is enough.

The amature can be moved or parented to a another curve as “rail”.

You just have to aviod Ipos for moving the tracks (path or NLA)

Oh well, follow that tutorial, have a track happily rotating. Keep it still and move the terrain beneath :slight_smile:


s68. thought of that already…sorry to be a pain in the ass but that doesnt work for many tanks going differrnt speeds/directions in one shot.

excellent tordat! tried it and it works so far. someone should up date the tut.